Isaac Bird
bird (at)
I am a postdoctoral reseacher in the Department of Algebra at Charles University, Prague. My research is currently funded by the Primus grant “Categorical Knörrer periodicity, cluster categories and tensor triangulated geometry”, which also funds the research of Sebastian Opper (PI) and Jordan Williamson.
Between 08/2020 and 12/2022, I was a researcher on Liran Shaul's grant 'Cohen-Macaulay rings and their applications in higher algebra and topology'.
I completed a PhD in Pure Mathematics at the University of Manchester under the supervision of Prof. Mike Prest in 09/2019.
Research interests
Homological algebra.
Purity and definability in abelian and triangulated categories.
Finitistic dimensions over commutative DG-rings. Mathematische Zeitschrift . Joint with L. Shaul, P. Sridhar and J. Williamson.
Duality pairs, phantom maps, and definability in triangulated categories, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A (2024) Joint with J. Williamson
Cotilting with balanced big Cohen-Macaulay modules, Journal of Algebra (2023)
Two definable categories of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (2020)
Purity and ascent for Gorenstein Flat Cotorsion modules. Submitted (2021)
The homological spectrum via definable subcategories. (2023). Joint with J. Williamson.
Definable functors between triangulated categories with applications to tensor-triangular geometry and representation theory . (2023). Joint with J. Williamson.