Sebastian Eterović
Who am I?
Seems superfluous to ask this at this point, but alright; I am Sebastian Eterović.
What am I?
Research Fellow in mathematics. You can find a list of my publications here.
Where am I?
School of Mathematics, University of Leeds.
When am I?
UK time zone.
Why am I?
Existential dilemmas have both troubled and fascinated me for a long time, and are at the centre of my research. In particular, a lot of my work is focused on the Existential Closedness problems.
Contact info
Office: 9.30 School of Mathematics.
Post: 9.01 School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.
Since July 2022, I am a research fellow working with Vincenzo Mantova, and I am part of the Logic Group of the University of Leeds.
Between 2019—2022 I was an RTG Postdoctoral scholar and Unit 18 Lecturer at UC Berkeley, working in the Arithmetic Geometry group.
I did my DPhil at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Jonathan Pila.
Title of my thesis: Model Theory of Shimura Varieties.
Graduated in 2019.I did my Master at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile under the supervision of Giancarlo Urzúa.
Title of my thesis: Logarithmic Chern Slopes of Arrangements of Rational Sections in Hirzebruch Surfaces.
Graduated in 2015.