I am a PhD student at KU Leuven. My advisor is Fatemeh Mohammadi.

My interests lie in algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

More specifically, I enjoy combinatorial problems arising in the theories of algebraic surfaces, tropical geometry and toric varieties.

 Recently, I have been interested in positive geometries and connections to physics.

Starting November 2023, I am a fwo PhD fellow.


-October 2024: Tropical geometry: Moduli and Matroids at Goethe University in Frankfurt

-September 2024: Summer School on Tropical Linear Spaces at the University of Tübingen

-May 2024: Amplituhedra, Cluster Algebras, and Positive Geometry at Harvard University, gave a 20 minute talk on Vandermonde cells as positive geometry, see here for a recording. 

-May 2024: Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry from Physics at MPI Leipzig

-February 2024: Positive Geometry in Particle Physics and Cosmology at MPI Leipzig

-Oct 2023: Chow Lectures  at MPI Leipzig

-May 2023: Dutch-Belgian seminar in discrete mathematics at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

-March 2023: Singular workshop at the Erdős center in Budapest and contributed a lightning talk (5 min) on positive geometries

-January 2023 - : Reading seminar on tensor decomposition

-December 2022: Nikolaus school on computational geometry at TU Kaiserslautern and contributed a lightning talk (15 min) on positive geometries

-November 2022 - :Reading seminar on polynomial systems

-October 2022: Masterclass on Algebraic statistics and related topics



November 2022 -  March 2023: Reading seminar on polynomial systems.

October 2024 - February 2024: Group seminar in applied algebraic geometry


-December 2024: "Positive geometries and Vandermonde cells", at the reading seminar on applied algebraic geometry.

-October 2024: "How to stab a Polytope", at the reading seminar on applied algebraic geometry.

-June 2024: "The Cylindrical Algebraic decomposition algorithm", at the reading group Algorithms in algebraic geometry.

-April 2024: "Perverse sheaves", at the reading group on intersection cohomology and perverse sheaves.

-March 2024: "The dimension of a Variety", at the reading group Algorithms in algebraic geometry.

-February 2024: "Oriented Matroids, Chirotopes, and Positroids", at the reading seminar on Matroids and applications

-April 2023: "Equations for secant varieties, Part II" at the reading seminar on tensor decomposition.  

-March 2023: "Representation theory of spaces of tensors" at the reading seminar on tensor decomposition.  

-January 2023: "Normal form methods" at the reading seminar on polynomial systems.

-November 2022: "Systems of polynomial equations" at the reading seminar on polynomial systems.


Master of Science - Mathematics. Universität Tübingen, 2021.

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics. Universität Tübingen, 2019.


At KU Leuven:


Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, Prof. Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadi 

WS23 and WS24: Supervising exercise sessions for "Wiskundige methoden voor biomedische wetenschappen" 

During my time in Tübingen I have supervised exercise classes for the following lectures:


Analysis II, Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel

Grundlagen der Diskreten Mathematik, Prof. Dr. Elmar Teufl  


Lineare Algebra 1, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hausen


Lineare Algebra 2, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hausen


Lineare Algebra 1, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hausen


Algebra, Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig


Lineare Algebra 2, Prof. Dr. Jörg Zintl


Algebra, Prof. Dr. Thomas Markwig


Geometrie, Prof. Dr. Ivo Radloff


Algebra, Prof. Dr. Ivo Radloff


Geometrie, Prof. Dr. Ivo Radloff


Mathematik für Naturwissenschaftler, Dr. Stefan Keppeler

