Most People Use Liquid Seaweed Fertiliser to Feed their Plants.

Gardeners and farmers have been using seaweed for plants for thousands of years.

You can get it from the beach and put it right on your garden beds as a fertilizer and mulch. It will break down quickly, giving your soil a lot of nutrients.

I used to do that when I lived on the west coast, but now that I'm far away, I'm using kelp, which is one of the most common seaweeds, and a liquid seaweed fertilizer made from it.

People have taken it from the beach and used it as a seaweed fertiliser diy and mulch on their gardens. It broke down quickly, releasing dozens of minerals, vitamins, and other good things.

When I lived near the ocean on the west coast, I would drive to a nearby beach to do the same thing.

But now I use liquid seaweed fertilizers made from kelp, which is one of the most common types of seaweed.

Kelp is a great way to improve the soil, but if we don't have any, we can still get many of the same benefits from kelp fertiliser.

And one big benefit of liquids over solids is that we can spray them on plant leaves to feed the tree food web and for direct uptake through the leaves.

When you do that, the plants and microbes get a good dose of nutrients and the natural plant growth hormones that seaweed is known for.

Why liquid seaweed fertiliser is good for plants

From a paper called "Seaweed Extract Stimuli in Plant Science and Agriculture," here are some of the good things about fertilising with seaweed.

Strengthens plants, helps their roots grow, and makes more chlorophyll.

  • helps plants bloom earlier, set fruit, and grow uniform fruit.

  • Slows down the ageing process and makes products last longer.

  • Improves nutritional quality

  • Gives plants the ability to handle stress, drought, salt, and frost.

  • Helps fight bacterial and fungal diseases

  • Helps get rid of insects and soil nematodes.

  • There has been a lot of research on seaweed feed, and it has become an important part of organic farming and gardening. In the 1960s and 1970s, T. L. Senn did a lot of research on how seaweed could be used as fertilizer. He wrote a great little book called "Seaweed and Plant Growth," which was one of the many papers he wrote and had published.

Since then, a lot of research has been done.

In addition to the nutrients it has, seaweed is also good for you because it has "plant growth regulators."

Organic farming experts often say that it should be added to any spray, no matter what else is being used.