How To Keep A Sea Urchin As A Pet

How To Keep A Sea Urchin As A Pet

How To Keep A Sea Urchin As A Pet

How to keep a sea urchin as a pet:

The first thing you'll want to do is get your sea urchin. You can find one at your local fish store, and one of the nice things about sea urchins is that they're cheap. They'll run you about $10-15.

The next thing you'll want to get is a tank big enough for your sea urchin. Most people use aquariums, but those are expensive and take up too much space. A better option is a Rubbermaid container with a secure lid that is big enough to fit your urchin comfortably. The bigger the better; I would recommend something at least two feet square and two feet high (though if your urchin gets bigger than that, you may want to upgrade).

Once you have your container picked out, you'll need to fill it with water. If possible, use sea water purchased from an aquarium store or bait shop - it contains minerals and nutrients necessary for the health of your pet. If you can't find sea water, however, tap water will do just fine; just make sure it's been treated with some kind of conditioner (like Stress Coat) to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals. 


Sea urchins live in the ocean. They have no brains and no hearts. Their blood is purple, which is a sign that they do not get enough oxygen from the water. If a sea urchin is without water for too long, it will die.

If you want to keep a sea urchin as a pet, you need to provide it with three things: water, food, and something hard on which to rest.

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