Sea Park Staff

We can't thank our teachers and staff enough!

You are amazing educators and truly make a difference in our children's lives. Thank you for the time, energy and love you invest in our little ones each day.

Classroom Supplies
Reimbursement Form

When to use:
Use this form to request reimbursement for supplies you have purchased personally for your classroom or activity classes.  

Limit $150 per school year per teacher or staff, unless otherwise instructed

Please complete by December 31

Funds Request Application

When to use:
Proposing new projects or expenditures to the PTO for consideration.

You must submit the request to the principal for approval and signature before submitting to the PTO for consideration.

This form should not be used to request actual payment.

Sea Park PTO Funds Request Application Rev July 2019.pdf

Click the arrow in the upper, right-hand corner to open the form.

Payment Request Form

When to use:
Requests for payment for approved projects or expenditures

Please include copies of receipts for items paid personally or invoices for items to be paid to the vendor

If you need a copy of our sales tax certificate, please email 

Club or Class Fund Payment Request Form Rev July 2019.pdf

Click the arrow in the upper, right-hand corner to open the form.