Plane Photos

Always have your camera ready during take-off and landing! 😎

Left: Turning into final approach for London Heathrow Airport. The 02 arena (formerly the Millennium Dome) can be seen in the centre of the image. Right: LAX airport flying in from the north. Aircraft turn left, fly over downtown LA, then make a 180 degree right-hand turn on runway 24R.

Left: Landing at Phoenix just before daybreak. Right: Landing at Phoenix around lunchtime.

Left: Take-off from Seattle-Tacoma airport and heading south past Mt. Rainier. Right: Sunset landing in a dusty Los Angeles. 

Left: January take-off from Seattle-Tacoma with Mt. Rainier poking up from beneath the clouds. Centre: Denver Airport spotted on a flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. Right: A very green Washington state with Mt. Rainier clearly visible. 

Left: An uncharacteristically clear day while landing at LAX with downtown LA clearly visible. You might also be able to spot the Hollywood sign if you know where to look! Right: Landing in Adelaide airport.

Left  and Right: Landing in Sydney with the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House visible in the centre and the central business district to the right. 

Left: Landing in Seattle-Tacoma bridge and flying over downtown from the north. If you look closely, you should be able to spot the Space Needle. Right: Taken just after take-off from Aberdeen airport with the harbour in view at the end of the River Dee. 

Left: Landing into Seattle-Tacoma airport from the north with downtown Bellevue lit up by the sun. Right: Same flight but now with Mt. Rainier in view. 

Left: Take-off in December from a very cold Boston airport. Right: Landing in Albuquerque.