About Us

A criminal lawyer is a person who specializes in criminal law. Calgary Criminal Lawyer have specialized training and years of experience, and they know more about the criminal justice system than anyone else. Criminal cases can be complicated and confusing. Without legal help, you could end up losing your case and facing jail time. A criminal lawyer's goal is to help you get the best outcome possible.

Criminal lawyers can work in the public sector or in private firms. They work to protect their clients and their families. Their expertise is crucial to the criminal justice system, which is based on the principles of fairness and equality. This means that the role of a criminal lawyer can be extremely diverse, with different lifestyle options available.

Criminal lawyers usually start out as associates with more senior lawyers and then move up to become partners at a law firm. Some also choose to work as law school professors or open their own solo practices. Among these, solo practice is one of the highest-paying. Others enter corporate environments. Regardless of their background, criminal attorneys have excellent legal knowledge and reasoning skills.

Criminal lawyers often work with prosecutors and judges. Their expertise and understanding of the court system helps them develop a strategy that will best suit their clients. They understand what types of arguments work best and what judges dislike. They also know how to play the facts to their benefit. This knowledge can help them plan smart defense strategies and know when to take a plea deal or go to trial.

Sean Fagan Criminal Defence Lawyer

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