
Courses Taught in Combinatorics and Optimization:

  • Introduction to Combinatorics (taught Spring 2020 and Spring 2021 at UIUC)

  • Introduction to Graph Theory (taught Fall 2020 at UIUC and Fall 2018 at WMU)

  • Nonlinear Programming (taught Fall 2019 and Fall 2020 at UIUC)

  • Linear Programming (currently teaching in Fall 2021)

  • Discrete Mathematics (taught Fall 2018 at Ryerson University)

Other Courses Taught:

  • Calculus I (taught Fall 2022 at UNCW)

  • Trigonometry (taught Fall 2022 at UNCW)

  • Elementary Real Analysis (taught Summer 2020 and Summer 2021 at UIUC)

  • Fundamental Mathematics - an introduction to proofs course (taught Spring 2022)

  • Modern Mathematics II - a Calculus II course for Science Majors (taught Spring 2019 at Ryerson University)

  • College Algebra II (taught Spring 2018 and Fall 2017 at WMU)

  • College Algebra I (taught Spring 2017 and Fall 2016 at WMU)

Example Teaching Materials

Here are a few examples of notes that I created while teaching Introduction to Combinatorics, which I distribute to my students to give them an extra source of material outside of the textbook and the classes. I have created a similar set of notes for many of the classes I've taught, and build on them and improve them each time I reteach a course.