2022 RFS FinTech with Itay Goldstein See RFS website

I co-chair FinTech conferences with Review of Financial Studies

with dual submission option to RFS

Sponsoring Editors of the RFS: Itay Goldstein (University of Pennsylvania) and Manju Puri (Duke University)

Submission deadline: October 25, 2021 (Email me if any questions)


RFS website:  http://rfssfs.org/news/2022-gsu-rfs-fintech-conference/


SSRN announcement at https://www.ssrn.com/index.cfm/en/janda/announcement/?id=9160



I provide service as

Management Science, Guest Associate Editor


I host

GSU Capital Markets Workshops 


Research Awards and Keynote speeches for FinTech, AI and Machine Learning

Award recipient of Deloitte Initiative for AI and Learning for developing trustworthy AI for social equity and climate change


Michael J. Brennan Award for the best paper published in Review of Financial Studies (with coauthors), How to Talk When Machines are Listening: Corporate Disclosure in the Age of AI


PanAgora Asset Management’s Dr. Richard A. Crowell Memorial Prize (with coauthors), Visual Information and AI Divide: Evidence from Corporate Executive Presentations.”


American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) Best paper award winner (with coauthors), From Man vs. Machine to Man + Machine: The Art and AI of Stock Analyses, 2022 Midwest Finance Association


Best Paper Award Winner (with coauthors), From Man vs. Machine to Man + Machine: The Art and AI of Stock Analyses, 2022 Global AI Finance Conference


Best Paper Award Winner (with coauthors), From Man vs. Machine to Man + Machine: The Art and AI of Stock Analyses, 2022 CFRC Conference, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University


Best Paper Award Winner (with coauthors), From Man vs. Machine to Man + Machine: The Art and AI of Stock Analyses, 2022 Annual Conference in Digital Economics, ACDE


Best Paper Award Winner in Asset Pricing (with coauthors), From Man vs. Machine to Man + Machine: The Art and AI of Stock Analyses, 2022 SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific Conference


Winner of the AMTD FinTech Centre Prize (with coauthors), How to Talk When Machines are Listening: Corporate Disclosure in the Age of AI, 2022 Asian Finance Association Conference


Best Paper Award Winner (with coauthors), How to Talk When Machines are Listening: Corporate Disclosure in the Age of AI, 2021 CAPANA Research Conference


Keynote Speaker for Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ) special issue conference on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Corporate Finance, December 2023.


Keynote Speaker for “Machine Learning, AI and FinTech in Capital Market” at Stock Exchange of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2023


Panel Speaker at “2023 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence”


Panel Speaker at the Academy of Management conference for “Textual and Voice Analysis for CEO Traits and Emotion: Challenges and Future Research Directions”, August 2022


Keynote and Panel Speaker for “Latest NLP models in capital market research” at Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München), Germany, Nov 18 - 19, 2021


Panel Speaker at “Toronto Rotman CPA Conference” (with 2,000 FinTech professionals and industry participants), Canada

See video broadcasted on Feb 17, 2021

Research Ideas Development 

Shared readings for Ph.D. students: Drawing Insights from Ph.D. seminars at Emory, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, and UT Dallas

Exploring the Art of Generating and Assessing Research Ideas

AI Textbook Development 

Click for the overview of the free AI textbook

Textbook for download

·  Analytics for Finance and Accounting: Data Structures and Applied AI

Tutorial videos for download

·  Each chapter of the textbook has tutorial videos for instructors and students. Please click the video link in the table of contents of the textbook.

Slides for download

·  Tutorial slides

Python tutorial for web crawling and fundamental textual analysis:

·  Crawling SEC Edgar

·  Parsing 10-K filings

·  Applying GPT: analyzing conference call transcripts using both API and web interface

The textbook has gained recognition and adoption in universities worldwide, serving as a valuable resource for undergraduate, master's, and PH.D. courses. Notable institutions, such as the University of Maryland, Indiana University, UT Dallas, and University of Minnesota.

By invitations, I develop 

One-week research workshops on Machine Learning, AI and FinTech for PhD students and junior faculty

invited by 

·   Video 1: Outlook of Fintech and AI research

·   Video 2: Textual analytic tools in Accounting and Finance

·   Video 3: ML literature review, unsupervised and transfer learning, and Google BERT

·   Video 4: Supervised and ensemble learning, Grid search for model tuning, ML examples in academic research

·   Video 5: Introduction to Knowledge Graph


·    See more Tutorial Videos on YouTube

·     Chinese version on Bilibili

Coverage for Research



Selected FinTech, AI and Disclosure Works

   -  Presentation at Stockholm Business School (discussant: Tim LoughranVideo Link

   -  Presentation at Wolfe Investment Research Video in English , Video in Chinese