
Day 1

29th April

14.00 – 18.00

14.00 –14.35

Between reason and power: the social epistemology of argumentation
Catarina Dutilh Novaes (VU Amsterdam)

14.35 –15.10

NormAN: A novel modeling framework for argument exchange across social networks
Leon Assaad (MCMP, LMU)

15.10 –15.45

Deliberation and Consensus: Models and Axioms

Hein Duijf (Utrecht) & Dominik Klein (Utrecht)

Coffee Break 15.45 – 16.15

16.15 –16.50

Epistemic justice advocates v. (d)evil arguers
Giulia Terzian (Nova University Lisbon) & M. Inés Corbalán (Nova University Lisbon)

16.50 –17.25

Plato and the Argumentative Virtue of Gentle-Friendship
Abigail Breuker (Columbia)

17.25 –18.00

Institutional Epistemic Obligations and Accountability for Democratic Deliberation
Emnée van den Brandeler (Basel)

Welcome Reception at Grand Cafe Living 18.30 - 21.00

Day 2

30th April

09.00 – 18.00

09.00 –10.10

Transformative Dialogues and the Politics of Inclusion: A Social Epistemology of Transdisciplinary Research
David Ludwig (Wageningen University & Research)

10.10 –10.45

Justified Epistemic Exclusions in Mathematics
Colin Rittberg (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Coffee Break 10.45 – 11.15

11.15 –11.50

Multiple Meanings and Resistant Knowledge. Silence in Arguments in the face of Oppression
Anna Klieber (Cardiff)

11.50 –12.25

Reconceptualizing deep disagreements: argumentation, oppression, and mutual recognition
Hugo Mota (University of Oslo)


Understanding Linguistic Injustice in Philosophy
Filippo Contesi (Milan/Barcelona), Çağla Çimendereli (Syracuse), Yael Peled (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)

Lunch (Provided) 13.0014.00


Trickster Deliberation: How imaginative irony can de-polarize political debate.
Merel Talbi (VU Amsterdam)


Standpoints of conspiracy theorists and rationality
Julia Duetz (VU Amsterdam)


Thinking Together
Adham El Shazly (Cambridge)

Coffee Break 15.45 – 16.15

16.15 –16.50

How to order proposals on an online deliberative platform?
Nicolien Janssens (Erasmus University Rotterdam) & Frederik van de Putte (Erasmus University Rotterdam/Ghent University)

16.50 –17.25

Strong Contextualism About the Aim of Argumentation and Its Virtues
Joachim Horvath (Bochum)

17.25 –18.00

A critical (re-)assessment of institutional epistemic humility: lessons from a pandemic crisis
Silvia Ivani (University College Dublin) & Melanie Altanian (University of Freiburg)

Day 3

1st May

09.00 – 13.00

09.00 –10.10

Cognitive scaffolds of ignorance: stereotypical representations within cultural epistemic niches
Alessandra Tanesini (Cardiff)


Receptive Publics in Colonial Contexts
Natalie Ashton (VU Amsterdam & Lilith Lee (VU Amsterdam)

Coffee Break 10.45 – 11.15

11.15 –11.50

Neutrality in Political Argumentation Theory
Daniel Mejía (University of Windsor)


Structural argumentative exclusion, forced argumentative inclusion, and the case of hate speech
Solmu Anttila (VU Amsterdam)


Manipulative argumentation and speech act pluralism
Marcin Lewinski (Nova University Lisbon)