National SEabird Forum & Action Plan Program
DAY 1, 13 October 2012
13 OCTOBER 2021
DAY 1 AM Session: Understanding Seabird Conservation and Management
8:50 AVPs
9:00 Opening program proper, Moonyeen Alava, National Seabird Forum and Workshop Facilitator
9:05 Welcome remarks, Theresa Mundita S. Lim, DVM, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
9:20 Introduction and objectives of the forum, Angelique M. Songco, Protected Area Superintendent, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
9:30 Plenary 1: Overview of seabird conservation and management in the regional context, Doug Watkins, Chief Executive, East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership
10:00 Plenary 2: Managing seabirds in the Philippines: International, regional, and national commitments for seabird conservation, Anson M. Tagtag, OIC Division Chief, Caves, Wetlands and Other Ecosystems Division, Biodiversity Management Bureau
10:30 Health break
10:35 Plenary 3: What are seabirds? Seabird identification per taxonomic order and family, Juan Carlos T. Gonzalez, PhD, Curator for Birds, Museum of Natural History,
University of the Philippines Los Baños
11:05 Plenary 4: Seabirds of the Philippines: Distribution, habitats, status, and threats, Arne E. Jensen, Associate Expert, Wetlands International
11:35 Open forum
12:00 End of AM Session
Day 1 PM Session: Site Reports
13:30 Introduction to the session and speakers
13:40 Hundred Islands National Park, Pangasinan, Augusto Bautista, Protected Area Superintendent, Hundred Islands National Park
14:00 Apo Reef Natural Park, Mindoro Occidental, Krystal Dayne T. Villanada, Protected Area Superintendent, Apo Reef Natural Park
14:20 Lawak Island, Kalayaan Group of Islands, Arne Jensen, Wetlands International & Retchie Alaba, Tubbataha Management Office
14:40 Health break
14:45 Cawili Island, Cagayancillo, Palawan, Gerlie Gedoria, Tubbataha Management Office
15:05 Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Palawan, Retchie Alaba, Tubbataha Management Office
15:25 Open Forum
16:00 End of PM Session
DAY 2, 14 October 2012
14 OCTOBER 2021
Day 2 AM Session: Continuation of site reports
9:00 Introduction to Day 2
9:10 Bancauan and Bancoran Reefs, Tawi-Tawi, Arne Jensen, Wetlands International
9:30 Tawi-Tawi Group of Islands, Godfrey Jakosalem, Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc.
9:50 Babuyan Group of Islands, Cagayan and Aparri, Cynthia Adeline Layusa, Isla Biodiversity Conservation
10:10 Polillo Island and Lamon Bay, Quezon, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, University of the Philippines Los Baños
10:30 Health break
10:35 San Bernardino Islets, Sorsogon, Adrian Constantino, Birding Adventure Philippines
10:55 Macadlaw and Magasang Rocks, Biri, Northern Samar, Antonino Renato B. Kuizon, Wild Bird Photographers of the Philippines
11:15 Surigao Islets (Rock Island), Surigao del Norte, Miguel David de Leon, MD, Robert S. Kennedy Bird Conservancy
11:35 Lanuza Bay, Surigao del Sur, Gregorio E. Dela Rosa, Jr. Haribon Foundation
11:55 Davao Gulf, Davao Region, Pete Simpson, Birding Mindanao
12:15 Open Forum and Synthesis
12:30 End of AM Session
Day 2 PM Session: Workshop
13:30 Workshop 1: Identification of national seabird sentinel sites
Breakout groups based on areas of concern:
Group 1: Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea
Group 2: Philippine Sea
Group 3: West Philippine Sea, Visayan Sea, and Bohol Sea
15:00 End of PM Session
DAY 3, 15 October 2012
15 OCTOBER 2021
Day 3 AM Session: Workshop 2
9:00 Introduction to Day 3
9:10 Workshop 1 Output Presentations
9:40 Summary: Threats to Seabirds in the Philippines, Moonyeen Nida R. Alava, Facilitator and Jay Fidelino, Documenter
10:00 Workshop 2: National seabird conservation strategy
Breakout groups based on expertise or area of influence:
Group 1: Research and Monitoring; Monitoring & Evaluation
Group 2: Policy Formulation; Management and Enforcement
Group 3: Communications, Education, and Public Awareness (CEPA) and Knowledge Management; Capacity Building
12:00 End of AM Session
Day 3 PM Session: Workshop and synthesis
13:30 Plenary, synthesis, and next steps
15:00 Closing remarks, Datu Tungko M. Saikol, Director, Biodiversity Management Bureau
Guidelines for Site Presentations
Please log-in to the zoom link at least 30 minutes before your scheduled talk.
Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present followed by a Q and A.
Email a copy of your presentation to by 9 October 2021 (Saturday).
Your presentation should contain:
Species of seabirds documented in area (highlight priority seabirds, if any)
Overview of conservation research and actions (past and present, if any)
Threats to the seabirds in the site
Challenges, gaps, and needs for seabird conservation and management in the site (including external challenges)
Opportunities for research and conservation (local partnerships, funding, etc.)
Your slides should be in a widescreen (16:9) slide size. File should be in a .pptx or .pdf format.
You may opt to submit a pre-recorded presentation. Please save the file to .MP4 or .pptx (if recording using PowerPoint) format.