National SEabird Forum & Action Plan Program

DAY 1, 13 October 2012

13 OCTOBER 2021

DAY 1 AM Session: Understanding Seabird Conservation and Management

  • 8:50 AVPs

  • 9:00 Opening program proper, Moonyeen Alava, National Seabird Forum and Workshop Facilitator

  • 9:05 Welcome remarks, Theresa Mundita S. Lim, DVM, Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

  • 9:20 Introduction and objectives of the forum, Angelique M. Songco, Protected Area Superintendent, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park

  • 9:30 Plenary 1: Overview of seabird conservation and management in the regional context, Doug Watkins, Chief Executive, East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership

  • 10:00 Plenary 2: Managing seabirds in the Philippines: International, regional, and national commitments for seabird conservation, Anson M. Tagtag, OIC Division Chief, Caves, Wetlands and Other Ecosystems Division, Biodiversity Management Bureau

  • 10:30 Health break

  • 10:35 Plenary 3: What are seabirds? Seabird identification per taxonomic order and family, Juan Carlos T. Gonzalez, PhD, Curator for Birds, Museum of Natural History,

  • University of the Philippines Los Baños

  • 11:05 Plenary 4: Seabirds of the Philippines: Distribution, habitats, status, and threats, Arne E. Jensen, Associate Expert, Wetlands International

  • 11:35 Open forum

  • 12:00 End of AM Session

Day 1 PM Session: Site Reports

  • 13:30 Introduction to the session and speakers

  • 13:40 Hundred Islands National Park, Pangasinan, Augusto Bautista, Protected Area Superintendent, Hundred Islands National Park

  • 14:00 Apo Reef Natural Park, Mindoro Occidental, Krystal Dayne T. Villanada, Protected Area Superintendent, Apo Reef Natural Park

  • 14:20 Lawak Island, Kalayaan Group of Islands, Arne Jensen, Wetlands International & Retchie Alaba, Tubbataha Management Office

  • 14:40 Health break

  • 14:45 Cawili Island, Cagayancillo, Palawan, Gerlie Gedoria, Tubbataha Management Office

  • 15:05 Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Palawan, Retchie Alaba, Tubbataha Management Office

  • 15:25 Open Forum

  • 16:00 End of PM Session

DAY 2, 14 October 2012

14 OCTOBER 2021

Day 2 AM Session: Continuation of site reports

  • 9:00 Introduction to Day 2

  • 9:10 Bancauan and Bancoran Reefs, Tawi-Tawi, Arne Jensen, Wetlands International

  • 9:30 Tawi-Tawi Group of Islands, Godfrey Jakosalem, Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc.

  • 9:50 Babuyan Group of Islands, Cagayan and Aparri, Cynthia Adeline Layusa, Isla Biodiversity Conservation

  • 10:10 Polillo Island and Lamon Bay, Quezon, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, University of the Philippines Los Baños

  • 10:30 Health break

  • 10:35 San Bernardino Islets, Sorsogon, Adrian Constantino, Birding Adventure Philippines

  • 10:55 Macadlaw and Magasang Rocks, Biri, Northern Samar, Antonino Renato B. Kuizon, Wild Bird Photographers of the Philippines

  • 11:15 Surigao Islets (Rock Island), Surigao del Norte, Miguel David de Leon, MD, Robert S. Kennedy Bird Conservancy

  • 11:35 Lanuza Bay, Surigao del Sur, Gregorio E. Dela Rosa, Jr. Haribon Foundation

  • 11:55 Davao Gulf, Davao Region, Pete Simpson, Birding Mindanao

  • 12:15 Open Forum and Synthesis

  • 12:30 End of AM Session

Day 2 PM Session: Workshop

  • 13:30 Workshop 1: Identification of national seabird sentinel sites

Breakout groups based on areas of concern:

Group 1: Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea

Group 2: Philippine Sea

Group 3: West Philippine Sea, Visayan Sea, and Bohol Sea

  • 15:00 End of PM Session

DAY 3, 15 October 2012

15 OCTOBER 2021

Day 3 AM Session: Workshop 2

  • 9:00 Introduction to Day 3

  • 9:10 Workshop 1 Output Presentations

  • 9:40 Summary: Threats to Seabirds in the Philippines, Moonyeen Nida R. Alava, Facilitator and Jay Fidelino, Documenter

  • 10:00 Workshop 2: National seabird conservation strategy

Breakout groups based on expertise or area of influence:

Group 1: Research and Monitoring; Monitoring & Evaluation

Group 2: Policy Formulation; Management and Enforcement

Group 3: Communications, Education, and Public Awareness (CEPA) and Knowledge Management; Capacity Building

  • 12:00 End of AM Session

Day 3 PM Session: Workshop and synthesis

  • 13:30 Plenary, synthesis, and next steps

  • 15:00 Closing remarks, Datu Tungko M. Saikol, Director, Biodiversity Management Bureau

Guidelines for Site Presentations

  1. Please log-in to the zoom link at least 30 minutes before your scheduled talk.

  2. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present followed by a Q and A.

  3. Email a copy of your presentation to by 9 October 2021 (Saturday).

  4. Your presentation should contain:

    • Species of seabirds documented in area (highlight priority seabirds, if any)

    • Overview of conservation research and actions (past and present, if any)

    • Threats to the seabirds in the site

    • Challenges, gaps, and needs for seabird conservation and management in the site (including external challenges)

    • Opportunities for research and conservation (local partnerships, funding, etc.)

  5. Your slides should be in a widescreen (16:9) slide size. File should be in a .pptx or .pdf format.

  6. You may opt to submit a pre-recorded presentation. Please save the file to .MP4 or .pptx (if recording using PowerPoint) format.