When chatting with pirates from your own crew, or even Pirates found out at Sea using Text chat, we offer a range of in-game options to ensure Text Chat is always visible.

Increasing the size of Text Chat Notifications

By default, Text Chat notifications are hidden when the player navigates full-screen menus (Settings Menu, Equipment Chest, Weapon Shop, etc) to prevent the notifications from obscuring your view. This option enables you to change that default, ensuring messages are always visible. (Note the same effect will be applied to Phrases or Speech to Text messages sent to you by other players)

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Previously this feature was only compatible with the Xbox platform setting. We now offer the ability to override the platform setting completely. Those who prefer to use the platform can continue to do so.

A Ship acts as the mobile base, command center and transport for a Crew and their supplies, Treasure, and other items, as well as providing them access to resources stored via Resource Barrels, Ammo Chests and the Armoury. A player's current Ship also acts as their respawn point if they die (unless their Ship sank, in which case they either respawn in the water where their Ship sank or respawn at a random Island with their Ship anchored nearby).

By default a new Ship is automatically generated when a crew joins a server, there is no cost to spawn a basic Ship and may be customised with an inventory of Cosmetic Ship customization options that can be purchased via in-game currency. Once owned by a player, they can be applied and swapped to their current Ship at no cost.

The maximum size of a crew is determined by the size of the Ship. There is no minimum crew size, even for larger Ships, and even a single player can elect to start a new game with a large Galleon (though operating such a large Ship alone would prove difficult).

Every Ship can sustain damage from various sources and will eventually sink if not repaired. Most damage to a ship can be fixed with Wooden Planks - This includes the Hull, Wheel, Masts and Capstan. The most important location to repair damage is the hull as hull damage allows water to begin flooding the ship, eventually causing the ship to sink should the water level reach the top deck. The hull of a ship can take damage from shot Cannonballs, collision with large objects, large waves inside Storms, Gunpowder Barrel explosions, Fire and Volcanoes.

The masts, wheel and capstan of a ship can each sustain three cannonballs worth of damage, with each cannonball hit requiring one wooden plank to repair. When hit by Chainshot, these parts of the ship will take maximum damage, instantly breaking. Chainshot that strikes the hull of a ship or Player Pirates only do half of the damage of a regular cannonball.

Cursed Cannonballs do not do any damage to a ship, however they will apply special effects to the ship or crew. Purple Cursed Cannonballs apply different hindering effects to the ship and its equipment when hit, while green Cursed Cannonballs apply different hindering effects to all Player Pirates aboard the ship when hit.

Fire can spread onto every surface of the ship, including masts, any floor, piece of equipment and even atop the Crow's Nest. Fire deals damage slowly. It takes from 1-2 minutes for a single patch of fire to deal 1 point of damage to a Capstan, Mast, Wheel or Hull surface. Fire will spread infinitely on a ship until doused with water. When an item is left burning on a Stove for too long, the kitchen area will be set on fire. A ship can be set on fire by getting hit by Lightning, thrown or shot Firebombs, the explosions of the Chest of Rage, and exploding Gunpowder Barrels.

Any sunk ships flying an Emissary Flag will leave the flag behind as a Broken Emissary Flag, which can be sold to the Reaper's Bones for reputation and gold, depending on the emissary level the flag was on.

It is possible to voluntarily Scuttle (sink) one's own Ship via the in-game Crew settings menu. Scuttling requires all players of the crew to vote on the decision, after which their Ship will be filled with unrepairable holes and sink. The Ship will then respawn at a random island.

Players are taught how to scuttle their ship in the Ferry of the Damned, to get them out of a situation where another Crew is harassing them. Ships can also be scuttled to see whether the Crew missed any treasure items onboard if they have been misplaced.

When the ship suffers damage, it must be patched with wooden planks. If the hull is punctured with holes, the lower deck will start to flood, and must be bailed out with the bucket. The ship will sink when it is completely flooded, disabling all ship equipment. The holes can vary in size, which affects the repair time. The other components can be damaged to reduce functionality: the mast, capstan, and helm.

All can be changed via the Ship Customization Chest on any outpost, The Reaper's Hideout or The Glorious Sea Dog Tavern, other than the Flag which must be changed from the Ship's Flag Box in the Crow's Nest.

As of the release of Season Seven, a player is given the option to purchase their own Ship to sail with. Unlike ships, that are spawned for non-captains, these offer the owner a new degree of deeper customisation, most notably a name inscribed on a nameplate fitted to their ship. Additionally, when the player becomes the Captain of their ship, the following features become customizable.

Each Ship owned by a Captain has access to a customisation loadout that automatically saves the options chosen by the owner and will spawn with those set when the player joins a server with that Ship. Furthermore, a Captain's Ship may be spotted by another player, from another crew, through their Spyglass; Once looked upon, the player will view the Ship's name, a custom-set splash and the owner's gamertag.

Acting as a drop off, the Sovereigns are found at every outpost and provide Captains, and their crews, a means to offload any Treasures accumulated from their adventures, excluding Emissary Flags, Reapers' Chests, Rags and Bones Crates and Ship Journals.

When a Captain's Ship is used, it records feats and other milestones throughout its life. These can be either viewed in the menus, or through the ship's Journal; A book that is visible on the corner of the Voyage Table. This records the player's current session history including Gold gathered, miles traveled and islands visited. However, most milestones can also be set to be visible in the journal, allowing a Captain to easily track progress on certain records.

Captains can access the Shipwright to access a variety options, most notably to purchase and save their customisation options to the ship's loadout. However, the shipwright also has access to unique Captains' Voyages that owners can buy that best tailor to the amount of time they have available. Most Captain Voyages come in singles or in bulks of 5 and are mostly bought with either Gold or Doubloons. Captains who are also Pirate Legends can also purchase Voyages, that would've otherwise been accessible through the Pirate Lord, without the need of venturing into the hideout.

Supplies may also be purchasable through the shipwright where the Ship's resource barrels will be automatically be filled with a bountiful supply of resources, however only one instance may be bought daily in-game.

Skeleton Ships can be encountered as Sloops or Galleons, signified by their worn out Sails and Blue and Green Lanterns. These Ships are hostile when attacked or approached and carry various Treasure items on board. Skeleton Ships can use a single random type of Cursed Cannonball. Skeleton Ships can either be encountered roaming solo, or as part of Skeleton Fleet World Events. Skeleton Ships will play a spooky sounding musical sting when viewed through the Spyglass.

Ghost Ships only appear in groups as Galleons. Ghost Ships come in the Grunt Ship variant (similar in appearance to Skeleton Ships) and Ghost Captain Ships (with coloured full Sails and Pennant Flags). These Ships follow a circular trajectory around Large Islands and attack once enemies get in their Cannon range. Ghost Ships use Ghostly Cannonballs. Ghost Ships are encountered as a part of Ghost Ship Voyages or the Ghost Fleet World Event.

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