
Cohort XII

SDSU DPT's Chohort 11 are posed on the steps of Hepner Hall for their class picture. They're all smiling and the girls in the front have their hands in front of them holding their opposite wrist. Everyone is wearing black polos and black pants

Cohort XI

SDSU DPT's cohort 10 are posed on the steps of Hepner Hall in five rows for their class picture. Everyone is smiling, and the girls on the front row all have a hand on their hip. Everyone is wearing black polos and black pants

Cohort X

SDSU DPT's cohort 9 are posed on the steps of Hepner Hall in five rows for their class picture. Everyone is smiling, and the girls on the front row all have a hand on their hip. Everyone is wearing black polos and black pants.

Cohort IX