San DieGO Kodály - OAKE

An affiliate chapter of the Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE)

Music Teacher Collaborative Learning Community

San diego Kodály LOGO

Our logo encompasses many symbols. The strongest among them is the infinity symbol. In our eyes it represents music as the everlasting universal language. It signifies eternity when used as notation in mathematics and metaphorically with respect to love. We included the symbol to remind us that music brings balance, focus, harmony, peace and unity. As we continue on our life journey together, we remind ourselves with this logo that there is no "i" in team, we are a collective voice amidst humanity. Only together may we achieve our mission, vision, and goals.

OAKE Mission

Inspired by the vision of Zoltán Kodály, the mission of OAKE and the San Diego Kodály Chapter of OAKE is to support music education of the highest quality, promote universal music literacy and lifelong music making, and preserve the musical heritage of the people of the United States of America through education, artistic performance, advocacy and research.

Kodály who? 

Kodály, the Educator and Humanist - Zoltán Kodály (1882-1967), prominent Hungarian composer and musician, directed a significant portion of his creative endeavors to the musical education of the Hungarian nation-an interest which developed over many years.

San Diego Kodály History

The San Diego Kodály (SDK) Music Teacher Community is an affiliate of the Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE). Local music teacher, and founder Emma Schopler created a team of Kodály enthusiasts and applied for official status as a chapter with OAKE. SDK aims to educate students and teachers in Zoltan Kodály’s concept of “Music for Everyone” through the improvement of music education.
The founding members of SDK are: Debbie Burton, Krystin Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Gee, Jillian La Dow, and Melissa Trevino Keylock.

OAKE Vision

Our Vision is the realization of a world where the power of music is a unifying, humanizing, and healing force is an integral part of the lives of all beings.

OAKE’s Commitment 

to Equity

The members of OAKE are committed to championing diversity, welcoming all people, and advancing inclusivity and equity for all. Inspired by Zoltán Kodály’s unyielding assertion that music belongs to everyone, we affirm that music is a fundamental aspect of shared human experiences. As such, we pledge to promote active music making merged with intentionally respectful practices as the basis of comprehensive music education.

Immerse yourself in Kodály education by attending our annual conference! Each year OAKE hosts a Conference for professional development and honor choirs. From coast to coast, OAKE has hosted hundreds of sessions, teachers, students and guests. The OAKE National Conference is held in an OAKE Division and hosted by a local OAKE Chapter. 

Want to get the word out about how great the OAKE Conference is?  Follow us on Facebook for event updates and RSVP to our Facebook event

Registration information can be found on the Rates and Registration page

A typical conference starts Thursday afternoon or evening with group sessions through Sunday morning. An example schedule is on the Schedules page

Use our template to ask for financial assistance from your school and local community. We hope this helps build support for you and for singers to participate in the National Conference! Find the template here

Graduate Credit for conference attendance is available from the Kodály Music Institute (

We look forward to these upcoming national events:

Chicago, IL – March 6 – 9, 2025

Chicago, IL – March 5 – 8, 2026

Please note: National Choirs start one day before the teacher conference dates

OAKE Structural Policies

OAKE operates as a trade organization, comprised of volunteers and is guided by the following structures: Robert’s Rules of Order, Bylaws, Standing Rules, a Code of Ethics, and Conflicts of Interest rules. These foundational structures guide the OAKE Board of Directors who are representatives of its members.