
Water Pollution Board


Inspirational video about SD goals (focusing on Goal 14)

Taşucu Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

Goal 5 poster in Turkey


We hanged a blank poster on the clipboard. We asked students from our school to write examples of gender inequalities to the posters. They took paper from the envelope, they wrote and hung.

Goal 12 acitivities in Spain

CC San Francisco de Asís

We are focussing on goal 12, responsible consumption and production. We are analysing the way our consumption is causing reversible damage to the environment.

Our students are classifying the waste we produce in school every day. They have weighted it to get the amount of waste we generate per month. They are reusing the waste material to make a map. So the consumption in this case is being circular.

Human rights scales


We gave students hanger, rope, plastic plates,​​​​​​​ glue​​​​​​​ and needles. We wanted them to make a scale with these materials. Then we asked "what is this scales?". Different ideas came from students. For example​​​​​​​, Scales such as the right to life and the right to education are not in balance.They also said; imbalance like gender inequality.W​​​​​​​​​​​​​​e then talke​​​​​​​d about how scales can be balance. First we did this activity with the proj​​​​​​​ect team.Then we did it in a class.

Goal 14. Video about the problem

Vilniaus Aleksandro Puškino mokykla

Goal 5. Powtoon video


Goal 5. Video


The students in the project performed a role play about inequality of women and men in the video.

Goal 4. Presentation about SD goal.

Vilniaus Aleksandro Puškino mokykla

Every plate tells a story

Vilniaus Aleksandro Puškino mokykla

The World's Largest Lesson for 5th grade students, organised by project team. Topic: "Every plate tells a story". Students discussed SD goals, have connected them to their real life through food.

Presentation about the sea pollution.

Taşucu Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

Some students made a presentation about the sea pollution at the beginning of this month.They wanted the guests to tell the people they know not to use plastic any more.

Lesson about Goal 4. Quality Education.

Mykolaiv gymnasium 4

Students from Ukraine made a presentation about quality education. They introduced their work on this project. Also, made a questionary to know what should we do for better education.

Students in Bulgary decided to do more practical projects.

Goal 1 – No poverty

Ezikova gimnaziya “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”

The students made a website which focuses on the problems of poverty in Bulgaria and the world: They also made a sticker with which they popularized the website.

In the website you will see our opinion of the poverty, we will look at the poverty in the whole world and we will try to give solutions of the poverty. Ourselves will show you the poverty in Bulgaria and compare it to the rest of the world, oh and there will be a surprise which you don’t have to miss out. Stay tuned.

Goal 10 – Reduced inequalities

Ezikova gimnaziya “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”

They made a leaflet which provides information about the chosen goal. The leaflets were distributed at school. The students also made a video to popularize their work.

Goal 14 – Life below water

Ezikova gimnaziya “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”

Our main idea is to make a board game that aims to educate those who play it and a poll in order to find out to what extent people are familiar with the problem, whether they are interested in the subject and whether they are trying to solve it.

The poll is aimed to the bigger students and the game is aimed to the smaller ones, so that both the bigger and the smaller can get to know the problem.

Facts and challenges are about the game. We’ll add more facts and more challenges.


  1. To what extent are you familiar with the problem of “life below the water”?
  2. I’m familiar with the problem. I have interest in it
  3. I’m familiar with the problem and I'm doing something to deal with it
  4. I’m not familiar with the problem
  5. What are you doing to solve this problem?
  6. I don’t throw my garbage into the water
  7. I don’t do anything
  8. I don’t let the water run while I brush my teeth
  9. Do you know how much water on earth is available for people's everyday use?
  10. less than 50%
  11. around 50%
  12. more than 80%
  13. Do you let the water run while you brush your teeth?
  14. No, I don’t, because I try to save water
  15. Yes, I do sometimes
  16. Are you aware of the problem of mass fishing?
  17. No, I’m not.
  18. Yes, I’m and I’m against it.
  19. Yes, I am but I’m not against it because I like eating fish
  20. Do you ever eat rare species of fish?
  21. Yes, I like eating rare species of fish.
  22. No, because rare species of fish become extinct each day due to human actions.
  23. It’s too expensive for me.
  24. What would you do if you see someone throw garbage into the water. (sea, ocean, lake, river…etc)?
  25. I would scold them and make them pick it up.
  26. I would take the garbage out and throw it away.
  27. I would not do anything
  28. Do you think it is necessary to fine people who throw their garbage into the water?
  29. Yes, because if they don’t get a fine, they will continuе to throw their garbage.
  30. No, because I throw garbage into the water as well.
  31. I don’t care
  32. What kind of bags do you use- plastic or reusable?
  33. Plastic, because I have used them my whole life.
  34. Reusable, because I don’t want to spend money on bags
  35. Reusable, because plastic bags are harmful.
  36. Are you aware that there are more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the oceans?
  37. Yes, I am and this is the reason why I don’t use plastic bags
  38. No, I didn’t know that
  39. Yes, I know but I don’t really care


1. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. However, today we are seeing 30 percent of the world’s fish stocks overexploited, reaching below the level at which they can produce sustainable yields.

2. Oceans also absorb about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide produced by humans, and we are seeing a 26 percent rise in ocean acidification since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Marine pollution, an overwhelming majority of which comes from land-based sources, is reaching alarming levels, with an average of 13,000 pieces of plastic litter to be found on every square kilometre of ocean.

3. 75%

The ocean covers three quarters of the Earth’s surface and represents 99 percent of the living space on the planet by volume.

4. 200,000

The ocean contains nearly 200,000 identified species, but actual numbers may lie in the millions.

5. 40%

As much as 40 percent of the ocean is heavily affected by pollution, depleted fisheries, loss of coastal habitats and other human activities.

6. 30%

The ocean absorbs about 30 percent of carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming.

7. 3 billion

More than 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods.


If you see garbage in the water, take it out and throw it away.

Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.

International Women Day LOGO


We designed the name tag for the 8th March İnternational Women's Day. Teachers in our school and students in the project team wore this name tag.The fire here symbolizes 129 women who died in a fire in America.

Tour in the paper recycling factory


We went to the paper recycling factory together with the project team. They were informed on the subject of recycling as well as toured the factory.