About Us

SDGSAT held its first SAT Prep class in Summer 2018 at Covenant Church PCA (Whitestone, NY: covenantchurchpca.com ), and it continues to operate out of this "home church."  The SAT class went 100% online in  Summer 2020 due to COVID-19, but still provides high-quality SAT preparation.  Our median SAT score increase is 100+ points for those students who attend 80+% of the classes and complete 90+% of the HW assignments INCLUDING test corrections.

Mr. Andrew taught SAT skills to his own children before starting this course.  Using those experiences as a base, he expanded the tools.  First came a collection of self-made YouTube videos.  Then we created custom-built content for math (formula sheets and carefully selected public-domain NYS Regents problems).  Next, we purchased  "best in class" third party materials by Erica Meltzer and Nielson Phu.  While the class is not small, personal review of student test corrections as well as unlimited texting support give this course some private tutoring elements.  

The course is FREE (we hope to emulate God's grace) and open to students of all religious backgrounds, including "none."  While almost everyone who applies is accepted, priority is given to those from lower/middle income backgrounds- if you are Excelsior Scholarship eligible, you definitely qualify!  https://www.hesc.ny.gov/pay-for-college/financial-aid/types-of-financial-aid/nys-grants-scholarships-awards/the-excelsior-scholarship.html

In Summer 2021, SDGSAT added a pre-college skills course and an introductory Python coding class. [NOTE: these two classes have been suspended as of 12/31/22, but SAT class continues on!]  

Although most of our students hail from NY (NYC especially), thanks to online classes we've also had the privilege of teaching youth from NJ, CT, IL, MI, VA, and CA.  The only restriction is that SAT class starts at 8:55AM Eastern time- if you can make that time frame work, we're happy to have you join us from anywhere in the world! 

-Soli Deo Gloria

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."