SDG's and the Makerspace

Getting Started:

  • To introduce students to the Sustainable Development Goals I adapted an introductory lesson from World's Largest Lesson
  • I choose the activity ""What World Do You Want in 2030"" and used Steps 2-7
  • To explain the idea of social inequality I instructed only those students with hoodies to sit down in a chair.
  • After students had time to share their country I consolidated their learning using the picture book Thank You Omu
  • This book was part of the UN's SDG Book Club
  • I wanted to ensure a strong connection between literacy and the makerspace since my philosophy is that an LLC strongly develops both these areas.

Notes about Teaching

  • it should be noted that all of the design challenges were completed after pre-teaching by the classroom teacher. The expectation was that students would come with the background knowledge necessary to complete the tasks. In the makerspace the focus was on the second set of specific expectations. In the Science curriculum this was under the heading: Developing Investigation and Communication Skills. In the Social Studies curriculum this was under the heading: Inquiry
  • also at the beginning of each challenge I would refer back to my SDG poster and re-cap what the goals are, when they should be solved, and why we have them. Often times I would show a quick film from World's Largest Lesson

Planning Template for Design Challenges (Science)

  • we used the continuum for technological problem solving skills to create a template for students to follow for their design challenges.

Design Challenge