UKRI - HOME - Housing design to reduce Overheating and Malaria risk in indoor Environments
Alborada Trust - HEROES - Health and Energy impacts of Residential Overheating in Ethiopian Slum rehabilitation housing
National Space Innovation Programme (NSIP), UK Space Agency - High resolution thermal infrared space telescopes for globally monitoring the energy efficiency of buildings
The Keynes Fund for Applied Economics-Energy Incentives and Market Mechanism in Slum Rehabilitation Housing for Distributive Justice
Isaac Newton - Bhaba Trust & British Council - Newton Fund Researcher Links - MINE - Epidemic prediction and risk reduction using Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning
Updating India's Energy Security Scenarios for NITI Aayog, Government of India - Residential Sector
UKRI – Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Risks -Collective intelligence for heatwave impacts on low income communities (M-Res Studentship)
Issac Newton Trust - Energy Transition Small Grants – Targeting building energy efficiency using high-resolution thermal infrared space telescopes
Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) International Development, Arts & Humanities Research Council – Filming Energy Research Network (FERN) in India and South Africa
CamPo - 10 questions on Slum rehabilitation Housing, University of Cambridge, UK and Sciences Po, France
Issac Newton Trust - Energy Transition Small Grants – Energy Transition in transitional housing
Smart Imaging for Development – Sandpit and Seed-Funding, Cambridge Global Challenges .
Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), University of Cambridge – CINEGENUS – Cinematic aided design for Gender Equality
Charles Wallace India Trust, UK: Well-being and domestic energy decision-making in of slum rehabilitation housing in India.
British Academy, UK: Gender norms and identities in energy and adaption of new technologies in low cost housing in India
Precourt Institute for Energy - Stanford University, USA: Assessing the energy efficiency, renewable energy potential and human burdens of informal settlement redevelopment in Mumbai, India
National Science Foundation, USA :Building Informatics: utilizing data-driven methodologies to enable sustainability planning of urban building systems
MIT-TATA center, USA: Improved Indoor Air Quality in Dharavi in Mumbai, India
Mumbai Metropolitan Region – Environment Improvement Society (MMR-EIS), India: Relationship between Structural Factors and the prevalence and pattern of Tuberculosis in Slum Rehabilitation Buildings
Department of Science & Technology, India: Network Science for Urban Engineering
Department of Science & Technology, India: Smart Sensor Deployment in Buildings: Evacuation Planning and Energy Management
Department of Science and Technology, India: Smart Energy Management in Buildings (IPHEE)
IRCC-IITB Seed Grant: Energy efficiency habitat toolkit: A case study of Mumbai, India
IUSSTF-DST BHAVAN Fellowship: Building energy efficiency in slums
Ministry of Human Resources, India: Urban Form and Extreme Precipitation Events: Are Compact Cities More Vulnerable to Flooding?
Ministry of Human Resources, India: Effects of Real Estate Undercurrents On Urban Forms And Its Emergence As Growth Machine In Indian Cities. Study Area Mumbai
Ministry of Human Resources, India: Designing Immersive Virtual Environments(Ives) To Promote Environmental Attitudes and Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEBs) In Educational Campus
Ministry of Human Resources, India: Frontier of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST), Centre for Excellence in Urban Science and Engineering
Ministry of Human Resources, India: Mumbai Transformation - Solid Waste Management