Sebastien Desbureaux
CEEM, Campus Supagro
2 Place Viala,
34000 Montpellier, France
sebastien dot desbureaux at inrae  dot fr

A juvenile Mountain Gorilla from the Wilungula family (Virunga NP)

Hey there, I am a tenure-track researcher (Chaire de Professeur Junior) at the Centre for Environmental Economics in Montpellier (CEE-M), INRAE in France) My research explores the links between economic development and nature conservation. After obtaining my PhD (2016), I worked for five years outside academia. I consulted for the World Bank as a full-time STC (2016-19), then I lived in & worked for Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, (2019-21): a UNESCO World Heritage Site (in-danger),  the oldest and most biodiverse park in Sub-Saharan Africa.

You can find my google scholar page here and my CV here.

Sebastien Desbureaux CEEM environmental economics 


Promoting jobs creation to save wildlife? An experiment in DR Congo. Co-PI with with Stefan Dercon and Ashley Pople (Oxford University), Gracieux Mutaka (Parc National des Virunga) and Richard Gilbert Nikiema (CEEM) [Project Page] [AEA Registry]

The economics of combatting illegal charcoal trafficking with energy-efficient electric cookers. Co-PI. In collaboration with Natsuno Shinagawa, Jean de la Croix Kembere, Christine Musharhamina (Virunga Foundation), Marijke Verpoorten, Nik Stoop, Lara Collart (Antwerp Uniniversity), Raphael Soubeyran (CEE-M) and Matthieu Couttenier (ENS Lyon). [Pre-Analysis Plan] [AEA Registry]

Collaborative management of protected areas significantly improves forest conservation outcomes. With Mujon Baghai, Philippe Delacotte, Ibrahim Kabore, Antoine Leblois, Peter Lindsey, Ashley Robson and Giulia Vaglietti.

The decoupled long term effects of marine protected for people and wildlife. With Julia Girard, Antoine Leblois, Alicia Dalongeville, Rodolphe Devillers, David Mouillot, Narriman Jiddawi, Loic Sanchez, Laure Velez and Laetitia Mathon (submitted) [Project Description]
