Rules & Expectations

Test Information

The 2024 Spring Math Meet will take place from 9 AM to 1 PM on April 20th, 2024 at UCEN 258 (Rockwell Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91355)


9 - 9:10: Introduction and Setup

9:10 - 10:25: Regular Round

10:25 - 10:45: Break

10:50 - 11:20: Optional Rounds (Physics Round, Integration Bee, Speed Solve)

11:25 - 11:35: Break

11:40 - 11:45: Tiebreakers (if necessary)

11:50 - 12:10: Awards Ceremony

12;10 -1:00: Lunch

The Regular Round

The Regular Round is the main part of the competition, and will take place at the beginning.  It will consist of a 10-problem, 75 minute exam.

There are two divisions for the Regular Round - the high school division and the middle school division. All students can participate in the high school division, but only middle schoolers can participate in the middle school division.

See the following sections for more general information about the exam. To see sample problems (to judge difficulty), please go to the Sample Problems tab.

The Optional Rounds

There are 3 optional rounds, all of which will take place at the same time after the regular round. As such, each person can only register for a single optional round. The three rounds are as follows:

The Physics Round is a team competition - teams can consist of anywhere from 1 to 3 people. The round will take 30 minutes and have 5 problems. This round is primarily for high schoolers.

The Integration Bee is an individual competition, will have 8 problems and will take 30 minutes. This round is primarily for high schoolers.

The Speed Solve round will take 30 minutes, and will have 15 problems. This round is for middle schoolers only.

See the following sections for more general information about the exams. To see sample problems (to judge difficulty), please go to the Sample Problems tab.

Allowed Aids

All participants are encouraged to bring scratch paper and pencils, as limited amounts will be supplied at the exam itself. Participants are allowed to use scratch paper and graph paper, along with a compass and a protractor, although no problems will explicitly require one. 

All other computational aids are NOT allowed - this includes all calculators, reference materials (books, past notes, etc.), communication devices, etc. If you have a question about whether a certain aid would be allowed, please contact before the contest.

Problem Format

All problems have answers that are positive integers between 000-999, and all answers given should be provided as such. Answers that are not simplified will not be marked as correct, and no partial credit will be given for any of the problems. 

Each problem will be worth a certain number of points (represented by clubs), depending on how difficult it is. Your score on any test is the sum of the points of the problems you get correct - no partial credit.

Mathematical Expectations

For the High School Regular Round: None of the problems require any knowledge that is beyond the scope of a regular high school student, which may include high school geometry and Algebra II. Other knowledge (combinations and permutations, sequences, probability) will be helpful but not necessary.

For the Middle School Regular Round & Speed Solve: None of the problems require any knowledge that is beyond the scope of a regular middle school student, which may include basic geometry and Algebra I. Other knowledge (combinations and permutations, sequences, probability) will be helpful but not necessary.

For the Physics Round: All concepts in AP Physics C: Mechanics are fair game (or Physics 220 for any AOC students). There will be no E&M or more complicated subjects on the test. A knowledge of calculus will be helpful but not required.

For the Integration Bee: A knowledge of AP Calculus BC (or Calculus II) is expected, although students who have only taken AP Calculus AB are encouraged to try the round as well. Any other knowledge / functions will be defined on the test as necessary.

Tiebreakers & Prizes

In case of an equal score between two participants, the tie will be broken through the student that submitted their exam first. In the case that both students submitted their exam at the same time (for example, at the very end),  a tiebreaker problem will be given to both students - the first student to solve the tiebreaker problem will be the winner of the tie.

The prizes vary per round, although all will be in the form of Amazon Gift Cards:

For the Regular Round (both divisions), the first place winner will earn $50 and the second place winner will earn $25

For the Speed Solve Round and Integration Bee, the first place winner will earn $20.

For the Physics Round, the winning team will earn $60 (to be distributed as per the team).