Cooper's Line

The Cooper's Line started in 2020 after the Cooper family shed light on the harassment and racism they had been receiving from their own neighbor for over 12 years. They had filed 3 separate police reports over the 12-year span and yet nothing happened, their neighbor only continued his antics and increased his blatant racism. The Coopers are not the first family in the Santa Clarita Valley to experience racism from their own neighbors or to be let down by the sheriff’s department. It’s not right. Across the country in Valley Stream Village, New York Jennifer McLeggan faced racism and harassment from her neighbor. Ms. McLeggan is a single Black mother, registered nurse, and homeowner. Her neighbor constantly called the city to get her fined for things she was saving up to fix such as “overgrown trees”. They roam around the perimeter of her property at night with rifles, throw human and animal feces on her property, threaten her, and place dead animals on her property. When the story went national, Ms. McLeggan received an out pour of national and community support. Neighbors took it upon themselves to keep nightly watches of her house to ensure she felt safe in her own home. Strangers dropped of notes and groceries. People came out to let her know she was not alone. Cooper's Line will be that resource for the Santa Clarita Valley.

If we can’t rely on the sheriffs, we should be able to rely on each other. If you’re facing harassment you’ll have a list of people willing to show up for you with care packages, letters of support, and even just keeping watch outside so you can sleep at night. If you’re taking care of an ill family member you’ll have people willing to go grocery shopping for you. If you need help or advice you will have a trusted network to reach out to. We are a community and you should never feel alone.

We hope this network of people and resources can help you feel like you’re a part of a community and we look out for one another.