
Book Recommendations

Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust – Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism (John Henrik Clarke)

Folks, this Ain’t Normal – A Farmer’s Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People and a Better World (Joe Salatin)

Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)

Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson (G. I. Gurdjieff)

Manufacturing Consent (Noam Chomsky)

Nourishing Tradition (Sally Fallon)

Super Imperialism – the origin and fundamentals of U.S. world dominance (Michael Hudson)

The Radical King 

(Cornal West)

The Assassination of Julius Caesar (Michael Parenti)

Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad)

They came before Columbus the African presence in ancient America (Ivan Van Sertima)

Utopia for realists (Rutger Bregman)

Forbidden Knowledge Recommendation

The Corpus Hermeticum

The Dawn of Everything - A New History of Humanity (David Graeber & David Wengrow)

Esoterism and Symbol (R.A.Schwaller de Lubicz)

Symbol and the Symbolic – Egypt science and the evolution of consciousness (R.A.Schwaller de Lubicz)

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