How Long Do Cold Sores Take to Heal?

cold sores , also known as herpes labialis, are small, fluid filled blisters which form near the lip or on other parts of the body. In very rare instances, cold sores can appear on the eyelids, nose, or on the hands. They are usually clustered in small patches. Normally a person will develop a cold sore after they have had one or more cold sores. There are many different ways to treat cold sores.

There are many factors which may prevent outbreaks of cold sores. The virus which causes them can be contagious if there is direct contact with an infected person. The virus cannot lie dormant and will flare up at some point. Certain medications which are used to treat cold sores can also cause outbreaks of this disease. If you are taking prescription medications and notice an outbreak occurring after sun exposure, contact your doctor immediately.

One of the best ways to prevent outbreaks is to boost your immune system. To do this, you should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and take a vitamin every day. Some people believe that topical application of ointments containing docosanol can help to prevent outbreaks from occurring. Docosanol is derived from sugar cane and has been shown to inhibit the replication of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) by about half.

A person who develops cold sores should be tested for immunity. Because the symptoms of herpes simplex virus are similar to those of common cold sores, it is possible that people with lower immunity than those without can also develop them. There is no way to predict when immune deficiencies might occur, but it can be foreseen that they will generally occur during a time when there are outbreaks of cold sores.

If you are experiencing an outbreak, you should consider applying an antiviral medication. If an outbreak does occur, you will want to apply an antiviral medication early in the outbreak. This will help to shorten the duration of the outbreak and lessen the pain and inflammation of the area where the cold sore is located. Many over-the-counter antiviral medications are available for purchase and may help shorten the duration of an outbreak. However, many people choose to try their own home remedies for cold sores instead of relying on over-the-counter treatments. Many people find that applying ice or a cold compress to the area is extremely effective in helping to shorten the duration of an outbreak.

Cold sores take time to heal. It is important to not stress yourself out and to keep yourself as stress free as possible. In most cases, you can expect cold sores to heal within three weeks. Once healed, it is important to keep the area clean and to keep any excess pressure off the area. You may also want to apply aloe to the cold sore, this helps to reduce pain and swelling as well as healing. It is important to keep in mind that although they are common, they can be painful and uncomfortable if they do occur on your lips, around your mouth, or on your face.