So I've been using hitfilm for a while and I really liked it, however I did get a new system and I reinstalled it. And when I put in a recording the viewer was completely black as well as the exports. Even the example tutorial video that it shows you was broken. The video plays with sound but with no video. I have tried restarting hitfilm, making new projects, restarting my pc, triple checking the track visibility to no avail. I tried playing the mp4 in VLC and it worked flawlessly. What's even more curious is that it displays perfectly in the trimmer.

I would wish I could get a full screen viewer without having to resize my viewer panel so I get everything on the screen. Is there any other way to go full screen ? It kinda works if you have a big second monitor even if it is not full screen. But when I work on my laptop(and using only the laptop monitor) is kinda annoying that I have to resize/enlarge the viewer everytime to see the details on a clip. I think this is the only really annoying part of me editing with Hitfilm.

Screen Viewer



I recently updated my 'citrix workspace' app to version 2206, and when i launched 'Desktop View' it opened in windowed mode, and when i tried to put it in full screen, the screen resolution of the virtual desktop was quite wrong, as if in a super zoom (Resolution too small).

My previous version 2002, it worked fine on my windows 10 (21H2, 19044.1766, Fully Updated)

I tried everything I knew: reset desktop settings; I uninstalled the application (100% removing the keys and files from the folders) and installed it again;

I also tried to change the compatibility settings of "CDViewer.exe" by windows, but I came across another problem, when I changed any of the options, like run in 'windows 8' or open with admin rights, the 'Desktop Viewer ' opened in a different full-screen mode, which did not allow the use of the toolbar. And it wouldn't allow me to switch between Local and Virtual Desktop.

i understand that version 2206 is not guaranteed to work on windows 8, so i just reset that setting, but it continued with the same fullscreen issue, being able to work only in windowed mode.

unfortunately I had to go back to version 2002 to get back to normal.

For some reason Allegro Viewer is not working properly. It is not displaying the canvas/board/desing area completely. Something happens that half of the screen, inside of the program, is always black/dark, and only half or less is visible.

There is going to be an additional complication: To reduce noise, we typically average over multiple identical images before saving and displaying (using our matlab/1.4 code). pycro-manager seems to do such operations only in headless mode, if I am not mistaken, and I might need to use napari instead of the micro-manager viewer following this script, unless there were a similar possibility with the Micro-manager ND-Viewer. But given the initial difficulties to display simple acquisitions, napari might be the way to go.

I'm not sure what the current status of the official Second Life viewer is with regard to Apple Silicon, whether it's a Universal build or runs under Rosetta 2 emulation. I suspect it's the latter for Firestorm and the other Mac-support third-party viewers. It might be worth filing a bug report with the Firestorm developers, particularly if it's not happening in the official viewer.

It consists of two parts: server and client. The server is installed on the remote computer and will remain invisible. The client is installed in your computer, from which you can watch the screen of the server. The client supports multi-servers and you can watch multi-screens at the same time!

Not sure if the UltraVNC viewer supports it but the RealVNC Viewer has an option called Monitor, which allows you to specify the monitor you want to open the viewer on. In my case if I wanted to open the Viewer on my second display I would set the monitor option to \\.\DISPLAY2

When using RealVNC Viewer as a client to connect to KDE Desktop Sharing(krfb-4.8.5-2.4.1.x86_64) things work as expected. However, if a screen saver has been set(blank screen in this case), the VNC session does not properly reset or disengage the screen saver. The VNC session lights up the screen, but the screen goes dark/blank again within seconds resulting in a slow and extremely annoying flashing of the VNC session. The VNC session is unusable like this.

I have tried disabling the screen saver, via the KDE configuration, while this blinking is occurring, but the blinking continues. If the screen saver is disabled prior to it blanking the screen, as when it is disabled at the console, the VNC session behaves properly. However, the VNC session should work properly regardless of screen savers.

F12 brings up the settings. You can choose how the image is displayed upon launch. I start on windowed view, then click the button at top right to get the full screen view if I want it (More typically I'm just using the loupe to zoom into the picture at 100%). Going back from the full screen view to the default view, I do that by pressing Escape.

Click on the thumbview will open the image at default setting (I set it to adjusted to full screen), another click and hold the mouse, would enter 100% view. Click again on the default review, return to thumb view page.

Does anyone know how to expand the Fastone application, I can't drag to make it larger or maximize it. The normal Fastone program doesn't have the lines up top. How do you expand the program? When I chose maximize it went to the top left-hand corner of the screen but didn't do anything. When chose restore it went back the middle of screen with little box and doesn't expand. A normal Fastone program doesn't lines up in the bar. I feel like there is some kind of key I can toggle to put this back to normal mode please advise thank you.

I have been using TeamViewer to remotely share my mother's computer screen for some time. She has an iMac and I have a MacBook Pro. Both are running the latest version of macOS and TeamViewer. However, in the last few months, TeamViewer has stopped working properly for us. When I login to her computer, I can see her menu bar, at the top of the window, but the rest of her screen is just gray. I cannot see any of here windows, desctop, etc. Other than the menu bar, I can see nothing of what is on her screen. As an experiment, I tried to share my screen with her and she had the same result.

I'm having the same issue & it was mentioned that Team viewer 15 and Mac OS X 10.14 & Mac OS X 10.15 have some issues . They posted what to check on Accessibilty and Full Disk Access , I've tried that and still all I see is the Desktop image . No desktop icons, dock or pull down menu items. I'm able to log in to husbands imac running Mac OSX 10.13 and Teamviewer 14..But on our LAN

The spacedesk Video Wall Software Engine enables convenient and inexpensive setup of display walls using a single PC running on regular Windows 11. Our product supports multicast of Windows desktop screen to up to an unlimited number of remote display devices.

The screens can be (i) set as individual displays for standard digital signage purposes, (ii) grouped to clone the same content, (iii) set up on a grid as standard video walls or (iv) set up as Creative video walls where screens of any size and scale are placed at any angle.

This is because the modal container is not a child of the viewer container. So when you switch to full screen the viewer div gets affected the highest z-index possible (2147483647) and your dialog gets occluded. You could turn a viewer panel into a "modal" dialog or implement your own dialog from scratch but append it to viewer.container. Here is my example of a custom viewer modal panel.

I just installed the latest Obsidian Update(1.4.5) for my iPad that comes with a pdf viewer. The pdf viewer looks great until you start panning and zooming the pages. I loaded a pretty basic 10 page pdf (full text research article).

There is a lot of screen tearing when zooming in and out of the pdf, even more after changing to two page view. The screen settles down i.e. the tearing corrects itself once you release the finger from the screen and stop zooming in or out.

image23601640 419 KB

You need to set the report connection info programmatically otherwise it will ask you with the screen you are seeing. You can google "Crystal reports Connection info" to find samples how to do that. Here is one for C#:How to set database login infos (connection info) for crystal report?

Hello; just been testing Vine Viewer on a 266MHz Powerbook G3 to use as a terminal for a modern iMac running Vine Server, and, unlike alternative viewers, this seems to run stably at respectable speed+CPU usage on client/server. Excellent!

However, I cannot find any Full Screen option. Am I missing a recent addition, or is this still on the wishlist? Since scaling makes text harder to read, my choices are scrolling or reducing to 800x600; a far more usable alternative would be full-screen 1024x768.

I don't want to change the color of the part, but the dark blue for each layer is difficult for me to see. How does one change the layer color on the display? Ideally I'd like to see the layer beneath it as one color and the displayed layer as an easily resolvable color difference. With the current dark blue on my screen I cannot even resolve the layer print direction. Perhaps those with young eyes can see this, but, my eyes cannot resolve the subtle color differences.

Then in layer 103, we have the top of the U. However, there's an empty layer, 0.2 mm thick, below this layer, as seen in the above screenshot. So this supported layer (layer 103) is actually going to take up the height of two layers, because it's going to droop down until part of the filament rests on top of the supports which were layer 101. ff782bc1db

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