Special Containment Procedures 

Special Containment Procedures 

SCP-049 is to be contained in a standard secure humanoid control cell at Site-██. The cell must be developed of strengthened concrete and fitted with a safely bolted steel entryway. No less than two armed guards are to be positioned exterior the cell at all times.

SCP-049 isn't to be permitted physical contact with any personnel unless authorized by Level 4 personnel or higher. Any personnel entering SCP-049's control cell must wear full Level B hazmat suits, counting self-contained breathing device, and experience a careful decontamination procedure upon leaving.

SCP-049's control cell is to be prepared with observation cameras, observing its activities at all times. Any abnormal behavior or deviations from typical designs are to be detailed promptly to the Site Director.

SCP-049's medical sack is to be put away inside a partitioned bolted containment locker, available as it were to staff with Level 3 clearance or higher. The contents of the sack are to be assessed frequently for any changes or inconsistencies.