Background Research

What Is SCP-035

SCP-035, moreover known as "The Possessive Mask," is an anomalous object that postures a noteworthy danger to human life and sanity. It shows up to be a white porcelain comedy mask, comparative in plan to a theatrical tragedy mask. Be that as it may, SCP-035 is distant from an standard theater prop.

SCP-035 has the capacity to control and manipulate people who come into coordinate contact with it. When somebody wears the mask, they become totally beneath its influence, referred to as the "host." The mask successfully takes control of the host's body, changing their personality and behavior to suit its own noxious aim.

The host gets to be profoundly charismatic and enticing, competent of controlling others to carry out the mask's wants. SCP-035 has been watched utilizing hosts to betray, control, and indeed commit acts of extraordinary viciousness. The mask illustrates a tall level of intelligence and clever, utilizing its hosts to assist its possess plan whereas covering up its genuine nature.

SCP-035 is additionally competent of telepathic communication, permitting it to impact and control people even without coordinate physical contact. It uses this ability to deceive and coerce others into helping its elude or carrying out destructive acts.

Due to the perilous nature of SCP-035, strict containment methods are in place. It is to be kept inside a hermetically fixed glass case, which is observed by observation cameras at all times. Staff are forbidden from direct physical contact with SCP-035 and are required to undergo customary psychological evaluations to identify any potential impact or control.