The zombies find the party, and proceed to attack the partygoers, until the trio turns up, armed with weapons, and proceeds to kill the zombies. Once they run out of ammo, they lock themselves in the building and the zombies follow them upstairs. Ben and Carter barricade the door when Augie reveals that he's built a bomb that was hidden in Ben's backpack. He manages to light the fuse when the zombies burst in and the three escape through a garbage chute just as it explodes, killing all the zombies. Denise and the military arrive at the scene, helping the survivors while the scouts reconcile their friendship.

A reckless janitor accidentally releases a zombie from a laboratory of research. Meanwhile, the teenagers scouts Ben Goudy (Tye Sheridan) and Carter Grant (Logan Miller) decide to camp for the last time since they are too old to be scouts. The problem is that they do not want to harm the feelings of their friend Augie Foster (Joey Morgan) and the Scout Leader Rogers (David Koechner). They have a flat tire after hitting a deer on the road and Carter's sister Kendall Grant (Halston Sage), her boyfriend and her friend Chloe (Niki Koss) stop their Jeep to see whether they need a ride. They invite Ben and Carter to go to a party in the night. The two scouts leave the camping during the night to go to the party. When they drive through the town, they do not see a living soul and they decide to visit a night-club since the bouncer is not at the door. They discover that people have turned into zombies and they team-up with Ben's recent acquaintance Denise Russo (Sarah Dumont), who is bartender in the nightclub, and Augie that was left alone at the camp and came to the town. Soon they discover that the non-infected inhabitants have been evacuated and the town will be bombed by the government. They decide to rescue Kendall but they find that the address her boyfriend gave to them is wrong. What can they do to save Kendall?

"Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse" is a silly and funny combination of comedy and horror that entertains and make laugh. There are scenes of the annoying Carter that should have been deleted during the edition, but the film in general works. The scene with Ben hanging on the window is hilarious preparing to jump on the trampoline. If the viewer is not an intellectual, he or she will certainly laugh a lot with the stupidities and adventures of this scout group. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Como Sobreviver a Um Ataque Zumbi" ("How to Survive to a Zombie Attack")

Note: On 17 March 2017, I saw this film again.

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"Yep, zombie." Ben (Sheridan) and Carter (Miller) are about to graduate high school and are ready to leave the scouts. When they decide to skip their final camp out and go to a senior party instead they think they are in for the night of their lives. What they find when they head back to town is something neither of them could have imagined. It is now up to them to save the town from zombies. This movie is just a ridiculous and fun as it sounds. The movie is mindless but entertaining. That is what makes this one so fun to watch. Gory, comedy, a pretty funny idea and great timing make this one of the better horror comedies to come out in a while. There really isn't a whole lot to say about this movie other than if you are renting this for your teenager I would preview it first. Overall, if you like movies like Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and Cooties you will love this one as well. A movie you can easily watch over and over. I give this a B+.

SCOUTS GUIDE TO THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (where's the apostrophe?) is an annoyingly childish zombie comedy that seems content to riff on what's come previously rather than offering anything witty or insightful. When I compare this film to genuine classics like RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD then I sometimes wonder if cinema's going backwards. Not that I enjoyed ZOMBIELAND when it came out last decade, but SCOUTS GUIDE is infinitely worse. A group of the dumbest and most unappealing protagonists ever go around making tired gags while a zombie apocalypse plays out around them. The emphasis is on the obvious and the gross-out, neither of which hold appeal for me. The FX are achieved via cheap CGI and not particularly believable, while all of the twists and set-pieces are overly familiar. A couple of riffs on the likes of DIE HARD etc. made little sense to me, and overall I felt like I was simply too old to enjoy this one. 2351a5e196

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