
Some of the topics I have focused on in my research include the business aspects of cybersecurity and enterprise systems. But more broadly, I am interested in research topics that focus on how organizations can better use digital technologies and mitigate the risk stemming from digital technologies.

Please see below for an overview of my up-to-date research activity.

Working Papers

Scott Chu, Hasan Cavusoglu. Cutting Costs, Boosting Security: The Impact of Lower Enterprise Systems Vendor Diversity

This research is based on my Master's Thesis

Research That Has Been Set Aside

Scott Chu. Evaluating the Financial Impact of Data Breaches Involving Account Credentials.

This project is the result of my Mitacs 2021 summer research project that I completed with Manyone Inc and Blockchain@UBCwhen I was a first year master's student in the UBC Blockchain Graduate Training Pathway. I use data from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and Compustat to investigate the difference in financial consequences between data breaches involving user account credentials and those that do not. The goals of this research was to highlight a business problem that blockchain-based technology could solve, and provide evidence that could support practitioners who want to prioritize certain information security investments.