Feeding distribution

Taiga Bean Geese winter on the Slamannan plateau, near Falkirk, ranging over an area between Cumbernauld in the west and Shieldhill in the east.

Since 1997/1998, the Bean Geese have been recorded in 126 different fields (mean 23 each winter; range 15 to 32).   Certain fields were more important for Bean Geese than others. During the most recent five winters (2014/15 to 2018/19), ten fields accounted for a third (35.6%) of all goose use and 20 fields accounted for 44.2% of all goose use.

Based on field counts from the most recent five winters (2014/15 to 2018/19), the distribution of the fields used most often are shown here. To return to this page, close the web map.

Page update 02/12/2023