

The Central African Republic (CAR) covers an area of approximately 620,000 square kilometers (240,000 square miles) and has an estimated population of around 4.8 million. The country is known for its incredible diversity of cultures and biodiversity of plants and animals. However, it has struggled to recover from a 2013 coup and remains one of the poorest countries in the world.

Additional facts about CAR include that it is a landlocked country located in the center of Africa and has been settled for at least 8,000 years. The earliest inhabitants were the probable ancestors of today’s Aka (Pygmy) peoples, who live in the western and southern forested regions of the country.

Our action in the community

Scotland CARES is an organization that stands for Education and Sport in the Central African Republic. The organization has helped over 200 children across the country continue their education by holding mentoring sessions and other events. 

Through these events, Scotland CARES teaches children that education is the path to success and emphasizes the importance of leadership and civic responsibility.

Education is a major challenge

According to UNESCO, the literacy rate among 15-24-year-olds in the Central African Republic (CAR) is 38.3%, although young people are becoming increasingly literate than their parents. The most recent data available showed that the country spends 7.8% of its government spending on education, about half of what the UK manages.

Additional facts about education in CAR include that the educational system is patterned on the French model but the government has been introducing changes to the educational curriculum to fit local needs. Although public education is free in government-financed schools and is compulsory for children aged six to 14 years, 50% of the adult population is still illiterate.