This is what I mean: Notice the whitespace (outlined by red). First I selected option 1, then as soon as I selecte the option to populate column 3 and 4, they filled, but with whitespace. The column values for col 3 and 4 should have nothing above them in white.

For my project to bring scripting to (Xe)(La)TeX, I need to execute command lines with write18, redirect output to a temporary file, and then insert the produced text using \input. I've noticed some extraneous whitespace that occurs right after each output, and I managed to hunt down one source down to the most basic part of the equation (I'm observing three different amounts of whitespace; the one discussed here is the smallest amount, so it seems that there is more than a single source for that phenomenon).

HowTo Remove Unwanted Whitespace With Vim

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I think images always explain it's good, basically what you see that the regex \s meaning in regex is whitespace. the + says it's can be multiply times. /g symbol that it's looks globally (replace by default looks for the first occur without the /g added). and the trim will remove the last and first whitespaces if exists.

On the page I'm currently working on I have an angular material with a (red border) with two tags each inside an (blue border) and formatted with (pink border). To organize my overall formatting for the card I'm starting by attempting to remove any padding that exists by default. To get rid of this padding I have a no-space class in my CSS with the following properties.

The best solution I found to fix this is to add styling to the .mat-card-header-text class to reduce the margin to 0 See solution here. To properly apply the styling include the ::ng-deep combinator before the class. The use of ::ng-deep has been deprecated but there dosen't seem to be a good replacement so since this is a side project I'll still use it. I found one recomendation to precede ::ng-deep with :host to prevent unwanted behavior from using ::ng-deep. Here is the final code I used for my solution.

How to remove unwanted white space from my printed output, while printing my div. I have to print content of DIV like POS receipt but it getting extra white space at top and bottom, I just want print only div content.

It's pretty common when programming or opening text files to encounter files with trailing whitespace at the end of a line. vim has a way to show this by setting the trail option in the listchars option and then turning list on.

Since some pages that I edit actually need trailing whitespaces (e.g. markdown) and others don't, I set up a keybinding to F5 so that it's trivial to do without being automatic. To do so, add the code below (from vim.wikia) or some variation of it to your .vimrc:

How do I remove the white space to the left of the first tab and between the tabs and the content? You will see I have inserted a lot of margin:0px; lines into the CSS but none of them will remove the whitespace.

On all mobile versions (Tablets and phone versions) I have allot of unwanted white space and scrolling space to the right side of the site. Can someone please help me remove this from all mobile/tablet versions. The site is clean on desktop versions.

I agree with all the suggestions so far. One other way I handle the injection of p tags andĀ 

Ā conversions is through the content authoring settings. If you're using Full HTML settings on the node, you can edit how Drupal handles line breaks by visiting the config page at Configuration > Content Authoring > Text Formats > Full HTML. Under the Cleanup and Output you could check the box to remove linebreaks.

Text contents being suspected to have trailing spaces may also have unwanted leading spaces, and probably sequences of spaces inside where only a single space is expected. The TRIM() function removes all 3 kinds of superfluous spaces as @PeterCM already explained.

By the way, about the second image I attached (the vertical image with notch), it was actually the stacked images that I showed in XZ view. I realized that I wrote it incorrectly in the question. I wanted to keep the notch, but clean it (remove the white areas in the notch and keep it the same color as the background: like this (I edited it with paint

This tool can now download your newly cleaned text as a text file. You can still, of course, copy the results from this tool for pasting elsewhere. It's a small change but it makes this a better online tool to remove whitespace. Great for this type of common formatting problem.

That's about it, this basic tool is pretty straightforward to use. It's a great converter for removing spaces from text content and replacing those with a single whitespace. It's pretty handy when trying to transform some badly formatted text into something a little bit more readable.

Getting rid of extra whitespace from EclipseEclipse has been driving me batty with all the extra spaces it addseverywhere -- blank lines all have indents on them, and lots ofcode lines have extra spaces randomly tacked on to the end.I sure wouldn't want to share files like that with coworkersor post them as open source.I found lots of suggestions on the web for eliminating extra whitespace,and several places to configure this within Eclipse, but most of them don't do anything.Here's the one that actually worked:Window->Preferences

Jave->Editor->Save Actions

Enable Perform the selected actions on save.

Enable Additional actions.

Click Configure.

In the Code Organizing tab., enableRemove trailing whitespace for All lines.

Review all the other options there, since it will all happen automaticallywhenever you save -- make sure there isn't anything there you don't want.

Dismiss the Configure window.

Review the other options under Save Actions, since these willalso happen automatically now.

Don't forget to click Apply in the Save Actionspreference page.Whew! There are other places to set this, in various Code styleand Cleanup options, but all all the others require taking someaction periodically,like Source->Clean up...By the way, while you're changing whitespace preferences,you may also want theInsert spaces for tabs preference underGeneral->Editors->Text Editors.An easy way to check whether you've succeeded in exorcising thespaces -- eclipse doesn't show them all, even when you tell it to --is to :set hlsearch in vim, then search for a space.(Here are some other ways to showspaces in vim.) In emacs, you can M-x set-variableshow-trailing-whitespace to true, but thatdoesn't show spaces on blank lines; for that you might wantwhitespace.elor similar packages.

This would be something to discuss with your university Kaltura administrator(s), which would probably be in the IT or Digital Education departments. There are Kaltura settings which define the size allocated for the Kaltura player, and sounds like those need to be adjusted to eliminate the white space. Now as a note, if you collapse the transcript widget (if that's allowed for you), the space it occupied previously will become whitespace, and there is nothing you can do about that. I'm both a Canvas and a Kaltura admin for my institution, so I'm pretty versed in this issue.

Trimming whitespace is also important when working with text-based data formats, such as XML or JSON. These formats often have strict rules about how whitespace should be used, and failure to adhere to these rules can result in errors or unexpected behavior. By using functions like trim() or preg_replace() to remove unnecessary whitespace, we can help to ensure that our data is properly formatted and more likely to be processed correctly.

Trimming whitespace in PHP is an important for cleaning up and standardizing data, improving security, and ensuring that text-based data is properly formatted. Whether we need to remove leading or trailing spaces, or eliminate whitespace from within a string, PHP provides a variety of functions to help us accomplish these tasks. By using functions like trim(), ltrim(), rtrim(), and preg_replace(), we can ensure that our data is properly formatted and easier to work with.

The example below shows how I format a date/time to remove spaces. In the next step I compose a string using this formatted date/time with a person's name. This allows me to create a unique ID used in a later step when I assign it as a title to an entity in a document library.

So if you want to use it we need to remove them all. When you think about this, most of the time when you get data from ERP systems or you have some formulas which not written properly, you get those unwanted white spaces.

Our database has a table named customer_information with data in the columns id, first_name, last_name, and email_address. The email addresses were filled out by the users manually, and some were entered with unnecessary spaces by accident. You want to remove the spaces from the email addresses.

The first argument is the string we would like to modify. The second argument is the substring to be replaced, and the third argument is the string we want to use in place of the replaced substring. We remove the unwanted spaces in our example, but the function can be used for many purposes. For instance, we may want to clean and standardize a column of telephone numbers. We can use the REPLACE function to do so.

If you want to remove more than one character from a given string, just nest the REPLACE function a second time. For example, if you have a string with unnecessary spaces and dashes, you can use the following syntax:

Use the Trim function to remove whitespace created from normal spaces. The Trim function requires a single reference to operate. For example, entering "=TRIM(A1)" without quotes will strip all but single spaces between words from the string " this is a test " in cell A1, leaving "this is a test".

I have a note with a list of hyperlinks. One of them has extra white space above it. I am unable to adjust the line height or right click on it to get the context menu which has the remove or simplify formatting options. be457b7860

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