privacy policy


As provider of this App, I am obligated to inform you about the purpose, scope and type of collecting personal information. The following lines will give you an overview of which data this app is collecting, how it is processed and how it is used. Please contact me in case you have any questions concerning this privacy policy.

Which data is used?


For the basic functionality of this app - the recognition of cards from the game Fantasy Realms - it is necessary to have permission to use the camera of your smartphone. The card recognition is completely based on OCR (optical character recognition). Therefore the video stream of your camera is used to find text in each frame. The OCR is happening entirely on your smartphone. No photo or video is recorded and saved by the app.

Text which is recognized, is saved temporarily and checked against a local database of keywords. After this process every text fragment will be deleted.

Crash reports

To improve user experience in the future, the app is collecting the following data in case of unexpected crash:

  • OS version

  • App version

  • Language setting of your smartphone

  • Country

  • Smartphone model

  • Provider

  • Crash report (stack trace)

In case of an app crash, no additional logs will be collected, stored or sent. All of the mentioned data cannot be used to track down you or your device. So no personal data is collected. The information listed above is collected via the tool App Center from Microsoft (


Furthermore some non-personal data is collected by the app for statistical purpose. For example the name of the bird of a successfully scanned bird card or some details if a birds audio file is not available. In case of such an event, the following information will be collected:

  • OS version

  • App version

  • Language setting of your smartphone

  • Country

  • time of app usage (session length)

The information listed above is collected via the tool App Center from Microsoft (


In case you send me an e-mail, you can see by yourself inside your e-mail provider which personal information you are about to send me. I will use your e-mail and all the containing information only for the purpose of answering your question or feedback. Afterwards I will permanently delete your e-mail and all the containing information. My email provider is gmail from Google (

Contact inforamtion

Marcus Katscher
Brockhausstraße 41
04229 Leipzig

Modification of this privacy policy

If necessary, I will modify this privacy policy in the future. You will always find the recent version of this privacy policy at this very spot (