Try The Scoop Pedal Exercise Machine Review

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Try the Scoop Exercise Machine As Seen On TV

Is it possible to get healthier and receive a workout without getting out of your chair? What about the ability to burn calories and strengthen your knees and hips at home? Desk ellipticals are becoming more popular and a new innovative brand that is being advertised on television is the Scoop Lateral Trainer. In this Try the Scoop Pedal Exercise Machine review you will learn why people are turning to this piece of equipment to keep them active.

If you haven't made it back to the gym due to the COVID pandemic then the Scoop machine is a great way to get some exercise in in the meantime. One of the products core highlights is it's lateral training that moves the body side to side and front back unlike most elliptical/gym equipment that only works the body front to back. With the incorporation of lateral movement you're able to workout more muscles - here's an idea of the muscles you'll target with the Scoop:

inner thighs

outer thighs


increase hip mobility

strengthen hip and knee joints

activate your core

What is the Scoop Exercise?

The Try the Scoop exercise machine is "the #1 at-home low impact workout solution." It is designed to strengthen your lower body and core without adding any additional stress on your knees and joints. It utilizes an inward and outward path of direction which both ways target different muscle groups. By rotating the pedals inward you are targeting your inner thighs and the outward pedal rotation focuses on your outer thighs. So as you're using the equipment you'll want to exercise both inner and outer thighs for a healthy balance.

The beauty of using the Scoop is while you're watching television or working with a laptop on your lap you can be using the equipment to get in a good lower body workout.

How Does the Scoop Workout Machine Work?

For starters you will need to find a nice level floor to place the Scoop. You want to make sure it's laying flat and even on the floor so it will work properly.

Find a comfortable chair that allows you to have enough space between the chair and the Scoop AND if you intend to use the Scoop under a desk while you're working you'll want to consider having enough space for your knees to rotate underneath the desk.

Place your feet in the pedals and secure under the blue strap

There is a tension knob where you can adjust the tension of the paddles - turn the tension knob clockwise for more resistance and vice versa.

Begin your workout by using your feet to press the pedals from side to side in smooth circular motions

To ensure you are getting the best workout you should use the Scoop 3 to 5 times per week for up to 45 minutes each workout.

What Are The Benefits of the Scoop?

In this Try the Scoop Pedal Exercise machine review we want the reader to walk away with the benefits they will receive by using this product. Here is a list of healthy benefits you will receive by exercising with the Scoop on a regular basis:

No impact workout

Great for bad knee and hip joints

inner and outer thighs will become more shapely

total balance will improve to prevent unexpected falls

burn up to 500 calories an hour

shape your glutes

works total body at a full 360 degree

The Scoop Specs

To give you a more detailed overview of this product including it's build specifics here is more info:

The Scoop has a computer that keeps track of your workout time, repetitions, strides per minute, and calories burned.

A battery is needed for the computer, takes an LR44 or 303/357 battery

requires minimal assembly, takes less than 15 minutes assembled by one person

weighs under 19 pounds

has a weight limit of 295 pounds

dimensions: 16 inches / 40 cm tall x 19 inches / 48cm wide

comes with a 1 year warranty

How much does the Scoop Cost?

The Scoop can be purchased at the product website for $199.99 or shoppers can visit Amazon and purchase the Scoop Lateral Trainer Mini for $20 less. You can stop by Amazon and read the customer reviews. Currently out of 50 Amazon reviews customers have rated the product a 3.5 out of 5 stars with 42% of customer giving the product a 5 star.

Final Word

The Scoop Trainer is a great way for seniors and possibly anyone with some sort of disability to keep their legs and joints active. Because it is zero impact it's perfect for anyone suffering with arthritis or joint issues. When other exercises and gym equipment causes pain to use you can rely on this product to safely improve your health and fitness.

Hopefully this Try the Scoop Pedal Exercise Machine review is enough information to decide if the product is right for you.