Learning Pandas from Zero

Programming Textbook and YouTube Tutorial:

I am happy to announce my first programming textbook Learning Pandas from Zero  is now available! This book covers both the fundamental usage and applications of the Python Pandas library.  You will find numerous examples and exercises to strengthen your understanding in one of the very useful data processing tools in Python. 

The textbook is available in three versions: 

The textbook is accompanied with a ~2-hours lecture series available in this YouTube playlist!

Course description (Textbook and YouTube)

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Creating a Dataframe

Chapter 3: Accessing the Dataframe

Chapter 4: Modifying the Dataframe

Chapter 5: Describing the Dataframe

Chapter 6: Processing the Dataframe (Numerical)

Chapter 7: Processing the Dataframe (Textual) 

Chapter 8: Indexing and Dataframe merging

Chapter 9: GroupBy and Aggregation

Chapter 10: Pivot Table

Chapter 11: Visualization

Chapter 12: What to do next?