2D Platformer: Doggo Goes Home


This game is an exercise to practice my C# programming and Unity manipulation skills, after I have taken the Coursera specialization in making game by Unity. I have tried to use GoDot game engine to construct but the very different design in GoDot makes me stick with Unity. Although, in terms of programming, the python-like language in GoDot fits my programming taste more. The C# programming in the Visual Studio looks very clumpy compared to the concise pythonic language. 

Godot uses the concept of Node while Unity uses Game Object. Without the notation of Game Object, I find it uneasy to call object casually unless there is interaction between two objects (defined as nodes in GoDot). The storage of object during gameplay becomes untrivial for me. 

It took me a few weekends to develop all the parts one by one. Thanks to the very sophisticated engine structure offered in Unity, I do not need to take care the physics in the game. Instead, I can focus my effort in designing the game algorithm and interactions among objects to make the game look real. 

Design of Game Characters

Since this is a game, and we are in 21st century, so I cannot be contented by making a pure text game. This means I have to overcome the challenge to make game graphics. There are certainly some high quality figures decided for gaming. However, there could be uncertainty in the copyright, so I stick with my own invention so that I can publish it without any concern. The most difficult part is to recall all my "artistic feeling" for creating interesting characters. 

Our main character Doggo

The scary devil which launches rocket. Beware!

Design of Game Items

Another major design in the game is the game items to be used by characters and enemies. Again, to draw something pretty can be a challenge to my artistic sense. Mostly I use pixel drawer to make sure the figure size and details can be maintained. 

To my surprise, in order to make the game look less dull, I need to create a number of items, and most of them are used only once. They include:

Various items used in the game.

Game play

Finally the prototype is done! Doggo needs to collect all three keys to gain its access to its home. It needs to avoid the attack from aggressive enemies. It can also collect food for its dinner to unlock the perfect ending. 

The starting scene as in all game

The game mechanics is classical 2D platformer with engine supported by Unity. 

Doggo can shoot fireball (but limited). Enemy can send homing missiles to attack you. Beware!

Oh no! If Doggo loses all its life, it will trigger the game over scene. And good/perfect ending left to be discovered by playing the game! ;-D