More about me

Updates: My full publication list is available here. Here is the pdf version of my science resume, CV, industry resume, and publication list.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Thesis title: Dark-Matter Admixed Stellar Objects (Advisors: Prof. Ming-Chung Chu and Dr. Lap-Ming Lin) 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Thesis title: Effects of Non-Self Annihilating Dark Matter on Compact Stars and Main-Sequence Stars (Advisors: Prof. Ming-Chung Chu and Dr. Lap-Ming Lin)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Major: Physics, Minor: Germany studies, French studies

Work Experience

2022 Now Assistant Professor

Department of Mathematics and Physics, SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Duty: Physics education, scientific research, research mentoring

2019 – 2022 Postdoctoral Scholar

TAPIR, California Institute of Technology

Main Collaborator: Prof. Jim (James) Fuller

Duty: Scientific research in pre-supernova evolution

2015 – 2019 Project Researcher

Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo

Main Collaborator: Prof. Ken’ichi Nomoto

Duty: Scientific research in supernova explosion


2010 – 2015 Graduate Student Researcher

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Supervisor: Prof. Ming-Chung Chu and Dr. Lap-Ming Lin

Duty: Scientific research in dark matter astrophysics


2007 – 2010 Undergraduate research helper

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Advisor: Dr. Lap-Ming Lin

Duty: Scientific research in neutron star astrophysics

Research Skills

Numerical programming

Computational Language

Parallel computing

Teaching Experience

2022 - Now Instructor

Duty: Course curriculum and material design, lecture (5.5 hour/week)

2015 - Now Research Co-mentor

Duty: Guiding undergraduate and graduate research students on their individual thesis projects

2010 - 2015 Teaching Assistant

Responsibility: Course tutorial design and implementation, coursework grading, consultation

Major Awards


RIKEN-Berkeley Fellowship (declined)

THEA Fellowship of Columbia University (declined)


Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, Hong Kong Research Grants Council



C. N. Yang Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Recent Research Projects:

I study hydrodynamics of stellar objects. This includes


My models are applied in the following:

Recent Programming Projects:

I also developed a number of software/codes to experiment different processes for app-development, including:

See more in my Programming page

Other training

Completed Coursera Online courses