Call for Papers
Second Workshop on Subword and Character LEvel Models in NLP (SCLeM) to be held at NAACL 2018 in New Orleans, Louisiana in June.
- Deadline for paper submission:
March 2, 2018(New Deadline: March 15, 2018) - Notification of acceptance: April 10, 2018
- Camera ready submission due: April 16, 2018
- Workshop: June 6, 2018
Invited Speakers
- Jacob Eisenstein, Georgia Tech
- Wang Ling, DeepMind
- Graham Neubig, CMU
- Barbara Plank, University of Groningen
- Brian Roark, Google
Traditional NLP starts with a hand-engineered layer of representation, the level of tokens or words. A tokenization component first breaks up the text into units using manually designed rules. Tokens are then processed by components such as word segmentation, morphological analysis and multiword recognition. The heterogeneity of these components makes it hard to create integrated models of both structure within tokens (e.g., morphology) and structure across multiple tokens (e.g., multi-word expressions). This approach can perform poorly (i) for morphologically rich languages, (ii) for noisy text, (iii) for languages in which the recognition of words is difficult and (iv) for adaptation to new domains; and (v) it can impede the optimization of preprocessing in end-to-end learning.
The workshop provides a forum for discussing recent advances as well as future directions on sub-word and character-level natural language processing and representation learning that address these problems.
Topics of Interest
- tokenization-free models
- character-level machine translation
- character-ngram information retrieval
- transfer learning for character-level models
- models of within-token and cross-token structure
- NL generation (of words not seen in training etc)
- out of vocabulary words
- morphology & segmentation
- relationship b/w morphology & character-level models
- stemming and lemmatization
- inflection generation
- orthographic productivity
- form-meaning representations
- true end-to-end learning
- spelling correction
- efficient and scalable character-level models
Submission of Long and Short Papers and Extended Abstracts
Please submit your paper using START:
Submissions must be in PDF format, anonymized for review, written in English and follow the NAACL 2018 formatting requirements (available at We strongly advise you use the LaTeX template files.
Long paper submissions consist of up to eight pages of content. Short paper submissions consist of up to four pages of content. There is no limit on the number of pages for references. There is no extra space for appendices. Accepted papers will be given one additional page for content.
Authors can also submit extended abstracts of up to eight pages of content. Add "(EXTENDED ABSTRACT)" to the title of an extended abstract submission. Extended abstracts will be presented as talks or posters if selected by the program committee, but not included in the proceedings. Thus, your work will retain the status of being unpublished and later submission at another venue (e.g., a journal) is not precluded.
Organizing Committee
- Manaal Faruqui, Google
- Hinrich Schütze, LMU Munich
- Isabel Trancoso, INESC-ID/IST
- Yulia Tsvetkov, CMU
- Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh, MSR Montreal
Microsoft Research is sponsoring the best paper awards.