

Fu, Z., Crooks, E.J., Irizarry, B.A., Zhu, X., Chowdhury, S., Van Nostrand, W.E., Smith, S.O. An electrostatic cluster guides Aβ40 fibril formation in sporadic and Dutch-type cerebral amyloid angiopathy. J Struct Biol. 2024 Apr 12:108092. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38615725.

Ali, B.A., Judy, R.M., Chowdhury, S., Jacobsen, N.K., Castanzo, D.T., Carr, K.L., Richardson, C.D., Lander, G.C., Martin, A., Gardner, B.M. The N1 domain of the peroxisomal AAA-ATPase Pex6 is required for Pex15 binding and proper assembly with Pex1. J. Biol. Chem. 2024 Jan;300(1):105504. Epub 2023 Nov 29. PMID: 38036174.


Yang, S., Tang, Y., Liu, Y., Brown, A.J., Schaks, M., Ding, B., Kramer, D.A., Mietkowska, M., Ding, L., Alekhina, O., Billadeau, D.D., Chowdhury, S., Wang, J., Rottner, K., Chen, B. Arf GTPase activates the WAVE regulatory complex through a distinct binding site. Science Adv. 14;8(50):eadd1412. PMID: 36516255.

Ding, B., Yang, S., Schaks, M., Liu, Y., Brown, A.J., Rottner, K., Chowdhury, S.#, Chen, B.# Structures reveal a key mechanism of WAVE regulatory complex activation by Rac1 GTPase. Nature Commun. 16;13(1):5444. PMID: 36114192. (#Corresponding author)

Ding, B., Narvaez-Ortiz, H.Y., Singh, Y., Hocky, G.M., Chowdhury, S.#, Nolen, B.J.# Structure of Arp2/3 complex at a branched actin filament junction resolved by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 119(22)e2202723119. PMID: 35622886. (#Corresponding author)


Anzelon, T.A.*, Chowdhury, S.*, Hughes, S.M.*, Xiao, Y., Lander, G.C., MacRae, I.J. Structural basis of piRNA targeting. Nature. Sep;597(7875):285-289. PMID: 34471284.  (*Co-equal contribution)


Basanta, B., Chowdhury, S., Lander, G.C., Grotjahn, D.A. A guided approach for subtomogram averaging of challenging macromolecular assemblies. J Struct Biol:X. 2020 Nov 23; 4:100041 PMID: 33319208.

Shaaban, M., Chowdhury, S.#, Nolen, B.J.# Cryo-EM reveals the transition of Arp2/3 complex from inactive to nucleation-competent state. Nature Struct Mol Biol. PMID: 32839613. (#Corresponding author)


Rollins, M.F.*, Chowdhury, S.*, Carter, J., Golden, S.M., Miettinen, H.M., Santiago-Frangos, A., Faith, D., Lawrence, C.M., Lander, G.C., Wiedenheft, B. Structure reveals a mechanism of CRISPR-RNA guided nuclease recruitment and anti-CRISPR viral mimicry. Mol Cell. PMCID: PMC6521718. (*Co-equal contribution)


Otomo, T., Chowdhury, S., Lander, G.C. The rod-shaped ATG2A-WIPI4 complex tethers membranes in vitro. Contact. (Thousand Oaks). PMCID: PMC6372110.

Chowdhury, S.*, Otomo, C.*, Leitner, A., Ohashi, K., Aebersold, R., Lander, G.C., Otomo, T. Insights into autophagosome biogenesis from structural and biochemical analyses of the ATG2A-WIPI4 complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115(42):E9792-E9801. PMCID: PMC6196511. (*Co-equal contribution)

Grotjahn DA*, Chowdhury S.*, Xu, Y., McKenney, R.J., Schroer, T.A., Lander, G.C. Cryo-electron tomography reveals that dynactin recruits a team of dyneins for processive motility. Nature Struct Mol Biol. 25(3):203-207. PMCID: PMC5969528. (*Co-equal contribution)

Gardner, B.M., Castanzo, D.T., Chowdhury, S., Stjepanovic, G., Stefely, M.S., Hurley, J.H., Lander, G.C., Martin, A. The peroxisomal AAA-ATPase Pex1/Pex6 unfolds substrates by processive threading. Nature Commun. 9(1):135. PMCID: PMC5762779.


Chen, K.C., Qu, S., Chowdhury, S., Noxon, I.C., Schonhoft, J.D., Plate, L., Powers, E.T., Kelly, J.W., Lander, G.C., Wiseman, R.L. The endoplasmic reticulum HSP40 co-chaperone ERdj3/DNAJB11 assembles and functions as a tetramer. EMBO J. 36(15):2296-2309. PMCID: PMC5538767.

Rollins, M.F., Chowdhury, S., Carter, J., Golden, S.M., Wilkinson, R.A., Bondy-Denomy, J., Lander, G.C., Wiedenheft, B. Cas1 and the Csy complex are opposing regulators of Cas2/3 nuclease activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(26):E5113-E5121. PMCID: PMC5495223.

Chowdhury, S.*, Carter, J.*, Rollins, M.F. *, Golden, S.M., Jackson, R.N., Hoffmann, C., Nosaka, L., Bondy-Denomy, J., Maxwell, K.L., Davidson, A.R., Fischer, E.R., Lander, G.C., Wiedenheft, B. Structure reveals mechanisms of viral suppressors that Intercept a CRISPR RNA-guided surveillance complex. Cell. 169(1):47-57.e11. PMCID: PMC5478280. (*Co-equal contribution)


Chowdhury, S., Ketcham, S.A., Schroer, T.A., Lander, G.C. Structural organization of the dynein-dynactin complex bound to microtubules. Nature Struct Mol Biol. 22(4):345-7. PMCID: PMC4385409

Gardner, B.M., Chowdhury, S., Lander, G.C., Martin, A. The Pex1/Pex6 complex is a heterohexameric AAA+ motor with alternating and highly coordinated subunits. J Mol Biol. 427(6 Pt B):1375-1388. PMCID: PMC4355278. 


Sysoeva, T.A., Chowdhury, S., Nixon, B.T. Breaking symmetry in multimeric ATPase motors. Cell Cycle. 13(10):1509-10. PMCID: PMC4050149.


Sysoeva, T.A.*, Chowdhury, S.*, Guo, L., Nixon, B.T. Nucleotide-induced asymmetry within ATPase activator ring drives σ54-RNAP interaction and ATP hydrolysis. Genes and Dev. 27(22):2500-11. PMCID: PMC3841738. (*Co-equal contribution)


Chakraborty, A., Wang, D., Ebright, Y.W., Korlann, Y., Kortkhonjia, E., Kim, T., Chowdhury, S., Wigneshweraraj, S., Irschik, H., Jansen, R., Nixon, B.T., Knight, J., Weiss, S., Ebright, R.H. Opening and closing of the bacterial RNA polymerase clamp. Science. 337(6094):591-5. PMCID: PMC3626110.


Chen, B., Sysoeva, T.A., Chowdhury, S., Guo, L., De Carlo, S., Hanson, J.A., Yang, H., Nixon, B.T. Engagement of arginine finger to ATP triggers large conformational changes in NtrC1 AAA+ ATPase for remodeling bacterial RNA polymerase. Structure. 18(11):1420-30. PMCID: PMC3001195.


Chen, B., Sysoeva, T.A., Chowdhury, S., Guo, L., Nixon, B.T. ADPase activity of recombinantly expressed thermotolerant ATPases may be caused by copurification of adenylate kinase of Escherichia coli. FEBS J. 276(3):807-15. PMCID: PMC2673103.


Chen, B., Sysoeva, T.A., Chowdhury, S., Nixon, B.T. Regulation and action of the bacterial enhancer-binding protein AAA+ domains. Biochem Soc Trans. 36(Pt 1):89-93. PMCID: PMC2692754.