Scientific VR Workshop

Friday February 22nd, 2019 at the Francis Crick Institute, St Pancras, London

A Crick and Goldsmiths Workshop on Scientific VR

VR is becoming an accessible tool for scientists outside of computing, and scientific data visualisation is gathering more interests from the VR industry as one potential "killer app". In this workshop we explore scientific spaces in Virtual Reality - from molecular and cellular visualisation and 3D interaction to science communication and outreach.

Led by scientists and technologists from the Crick and Goldsmiths, we invite bioscientists, VR and graphics experts, and scientific communicators to this multidisciplinary workshop.

Confirmed Speakers, panelists, and organisers

Prof William Latham, Computing DC Labs, Goldsmiths
Prof Steve Taylor, MRC WIMM Group Leader, Oxford
Prof Mike Sternberg Director of Centre for Bioinformatics, Imperial College
Dr Dario Bressan, Head, IMAXT LaboratoryCRUK Cambridge
Prof Reidun Twarok, Department of Biology, University of York
Dr Paul Bates, Group Leader Biomolecular Modelling Lab, Crick
Miss Helen Deeks, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol
Prof Frederic Fol Leymarie, Computing, Goldsmiths
Prof Stephen Todd, Computing, Goldsmiths
Dr Lance Putnam Computing DC Labs, Goldsmiths
Miss Esther Wershof, Biomolecular Modelling Lab, Crick
Dr Carles Bosch, Neurophysiology of Behaviour Lab, Crick
Mr Sumit Paul-Choudhury, Science Writer
Dr Marco Gillies, Computing, Goldsmiths
Dr Sylvia Pan, Computing, Goldsmiths
Mr Steve Hindmarsh Head of Scientific Computing, Crick
Dr Bruno Silva Research Computing Platforms Lead, Crick


09:45 - 10:20 Registration

10:20 - 10:30 Steve Hindmarsh: Welcome from the Crick Scientific Computing STP

10:30 - 11:30 Session AM I

Lance Putnam (Computing, Goldsmiths) & Esther Wershof (Biomolecular Modelling Lab, Crick)

Mutator VR: Cell Flows for Outreach

Steve Taylor (MRC WIMM Group Leader, Oxford) & Stephen Todd (Computing, Goldsmiths)

Biological visualisation at different scales using CSynth and Babel VR

Sylvia Pan & Marco Gillies (Computing, Goldsmiths)

How to use VR for Science?

11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break

12:00 - 13:00 Session AM II

Carles Bosch (Neurophysiology of Behaviour Lab, Crick)

The subcellular architecture of the mammalian neural circuits for smell: correlative imaging with photons, X-rays and electrons

William Latham (Computing DC Labs, Goldsmiths)

Mutator VR

Paul Bates (Group Leader Biomolecular Modelling Lab, Crick)

Deep learning from bio-movies: automating the characterisation of players

13:00 - 14:15 Lunch and demos

14:15 - 15:15 Session PM I

Reidun Twarock (Department of Biology, University of York)

Visualising 3D Virus Structures

Mike Sternberg (Director of Centre for Bioinformatics, Imperial College)

Protein Modelling Outreach: From Mobile to VR

Helen Deeks (School of Chemistry, University of Bristol)

Molecular Tetris: Human-guided design of new medicines in VR

15:15 - 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 - 17:00 Session PM II

Dario Bressan (Head, IMAXT Laboratory, CRUK Cambridge)

Developing and exploiting a virtual 3d atlas of Cancer to study tumour evolution and micro-environment

Panel discussion - VR: a new instrument for science?

Panel Chair: Sumit Paul-Choudhury

Panelist: Steve Taylor (Oxford), Frederic Fol Leymarie (Goldsmiths), Paul Bates (Crick), Reidun Twarock (York) , Sylvia Pan (Goldsmiths)

17:00 - 18:00 Wine Reception and demos
