I've looked online and found a video that shows how to make a scientific calculator with an exponent button but when I follow his method of coding the button, it does not work correctly. Instead, it just squares what is inside the textfield, rather than letting the user put in their own exponent.

For our midterms exam, we're supposed to create a scientific calculator that functions like one. I went to YouTube and Google to find any solutions because my professor wasn't able to teach us how to make the scientific calculator work. This is what I have so far.

Scientific Calculator Java App Download

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This article will help you create your own Swing GUI Scientific Calculator in Java. I will give you the source code and explain the major functions of the program. You can use this as the starting point for your own programs or just use it as is. It has all the basic functionalities of a scientific calculator. You can also evaluate expressions and view the result of an expression with parentheses().

This article has shown you how you can create a simple GUI Scientific Calculator in Java. There are many other things that can be done with this calculator. You can add the ability to calculate trigonometric equations, change the keys, or use your own images. The sky is the limit !!

The calculator is the app that is present on every android device. This app comes pre-installed or we can also install another application from Play Store. It is one of the most used applications for college students for making any calculations. In this article, we will take a look at building a simple scientific calculator app in Android using Kotlin. Step 1: Create a New ProjectStep 2: Adding new colors to the colors.xml fileNavigate to the app > res > values > colors.xml file and add the below code to it for different colors. Comments are added in the code to get to know in more detail. Related Article : https:\/\/www.geeksforgeeks.org\/how-to-make-a-scientific-calculator-android-app-using-android-studio\/\",\"source\":\"https:\/\/videos.geeksforgeeks.org\/hls\/e36dee9b4f96d87e5b58ddbe9286c0a5gfg-HowtoMakeaScientificCalculatorAndroidAppGeeksforGeeks20221028172516.m3u8\",\"category\":[{\"term_id__id\":146,\"term_id__term_name\":\"Android-Projects\",\"term_id__term_type\":2,\"term_id__slug\":\"android-projects\"},{\"term_id__id\":96,\"term_id__term_name\":\"Android\",\"term_id__term_type\":1,\"term_id__slug\":\"android\"}],\"meta\":{\"thumbnail\":\"https:\/\/videocdn.geeksforgeeks.org\/geeksforgeeks\/HowtoMakeaScientificCalculatorAndroidApp\/HowtoMakeaScientificCalculatorAndroidApp20221028172440-small.png\",\"largeThumbnail\":\"https:\/\/videocdn.geeksforgeeks.org\/geeksforgeeks\/HowtoMakeaScientificCalculatorAndroidApp\/HowtoMakeaScientificCalculatorAndroidApp20221028172440.jpg\",\"likes\":1,\"views\":990,\"isFeatured\":0,\"isPremium\":0,\"isPublic\":0,\"format\":\"video\/mp4\",\"revision\":{}},\"time\":\"28\/10\/2022\",\"subtitle\":\"https:\/\/videos.geeksforgeeks.org\/subtitles\/HowtoMakeaScientificCalculatorAndroidAppGeeksforGeeks20221028172516.vtt\",\"duration\":4236,\"course_link\":null}]"); Video  Improve      Improve  Improve Like Article  Like Save Article  Save Report issue  Report $('#practice-tab-main').show(); $('#video-tab-main').show(); $('#courses-tab-main').show(); companyTagsArray = JSON.parse('[]'); categoryTagsArray = JSON.parse('[]'); The calculator is the app that is present on every android device. This app comes pre-installed or we can also install another application from Play Store. It is one of the most used applications for college students for making any calculations. In this article, we will take a look at building a simple scientific calculator app in Android using Kotlin.

We will be building a scientific calculator in which we will be performing several mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, square root, factorial, and many more. A sample video is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article.

In addition to the above configuration options, you may also pass in any of the graph settingsbelow as part of the options object. The distinction between configuration options and graphsettings is that configuration options are properties related to the particular calculatorinstance, while graph settings are properties related to the graph state itself.

Destroy the GraphingCalculator instance, unbind event listeners, and free resources. This method should be called whenever a calculator's container element is removed from the DOM. Attempting to call methods on a GraphingCalculator object after it has been destroyed will result in a no-op and log a warning to the console.

Replace the calculator's "Delete All" button (under the "Edit List" menu) with a "Reset" button that will reset the calculator to the state represented by obj. Also, if a default state is set, the "home" zoom buttonwill reset the zoom to the viewport associated with the default state insteadof the usual Desmos default (roughly from -10 to 10, centered at the origin). Ifthe showResetButtonOnGraphpaper option is true, a small reset button willappear on the graphpaper.

The 'change' event is emitted by the calculator whenever any change occurs that will affect the persisted state of the calculator. This applies to any changes caused either by direct user interaction, or by calls to API methods.

The callback provided to observeEvent is called with two parameters: the name of the event (e.g. 'change') and an event object containing a boolean isUserInitiated property.The value of event.isUserInitiated is true if the change that triggered the event was caused by a user interacting with the graph, and false otherwise (e.g. if the changeis due to an API call like calculator.setExpression()).

Note that the calculator evaluates expressions asynchronously, so attempts to access expressionAnalysis in synchronous code may not accurately reflect the most current evaluation state. Instead, the expressionAnalysis object should be observed and referenced inside of a callback.

In addition to normal expressions that show up in the calculator's expressions list, you can create "helper expressions" that are evaluated like normal expressions, but don't show up in the expressions list. Helper expressions are useful for monitoring and reacting to what a user is doing with an embedded calculator. Every calculator object has a HelperExpression constructor for adding helper expressions to that calculator.

In addition, a point may have its dragMode set to Desmos.DragModes.AUTO, in which case the normal calculator rules for determining point behavior will be applied. For example, a point whose coordinates are both slider variables would be draggable in both the x and y directions.

The labelOrientation property specifies the desired position of a point's label, relative to the point itself.This will override the calculator's default behavior of trying to position labels in such a way as to maintain legibility.To restore this behavior, set the value back to Desmos.LabelOrientations.DEFAULT.

In authorFeatures: true mode, whenever a folder is created, it can optionally be made secret by checking the "hide this folder from students" option. The contents of these folders will be hidden when loaded into a calculator in administerSecretFolders: false mode (the default). Any expression, note, image, folder, or table can be marked readonly from Edit List Mode.

Also note that certain combinations of options are mutually exclusive. If an update wouldproduce incompatible options, additional options may be ignored or adjusted toobtain a compatible set. To prevent the calculator from making those adjustmentson your behalf, you should avoid passing in the following combinations:

The graphing calculator has a built-in random() function that returns randomsamples from lists and statistical distributions. Behind every call torandom() is a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) that takes a seed. Whilethe seed ultimately consumed by the PRNG comprises several components, thesettings object exposes a property called randomSeed that can be observed orset.

By default, the calculator will fill its container element (with one notable exception: see GraphingCalculator.resize() immediately below). That means sizing the calculator appropriately for your layout is equivalent to sizing its containing , just like any other element on the page, with two additional considerations:

The calculator will automatically display in one of two layouts depending on its container element's width: above 450px the expressions list will be placed to the left of the graph paper; below 450px the expressions list will be placed below the graph paper.

Resize the calculator to fill its container. This will happen automatically unless the autosize constructor option is set to false. In that case, this method must be called whenever the dimensions of the calculator's container element change, and whenever the container element is added to or removed from the DOM.

pixelCoordinates are referenced to the top left of the calculator's parent DOM element---that is, the element that is passed into the GraphingCalculator constructor. Note that pixelCoordinates.top < pixelCoordinates.bottom, but mathCoordinates.top > mathCoordinates.bottom.

The calculator exposes several objects with observable properties that may be accessed via an observe method. The first argument to observe is a property string, and the second is a callback to be fired when the property changes. The attached callback represents an observer for that property. Multiple observers can be added to a single property.

GraphingCalculator.observeEvent and GraphingCalculator.unobserveEvent behave in the same way as observe and unobserve, respectively. The only difference is that, while observe is always associated with a property of an object that is being updated, observeEvent is used to listen for global calculator events (currently just 'change'). Calculator events can be namespaced in the same way that properties can. For instance, binding a callback to 'change.foo' would make it possible to remove a single observer with GraphingCalculator.unobserveEvent('change.foo'). ff782bc1db

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