3D Printing of solid pharmaceutical formulations

(N. Denora)

Three-dimensional printing (3DP) has been widely used to produce customisable dosage forms useful for adherence to personalised medical therapies [1]. 3DP is a process in which a 3D object is constructed by building successive layers of material on top of each other. In order to achieve high geometric variation and significant dosage flexibility, the digital file, containing the information of the object to be printed, can be easily modified in real-time to design  formulations that meet patients' needs. This enables the  development of precision medicine, based on the concept of  “made-to-measure” production for each individual patient.  Another important advantage of 3DP over traditional  production systems is the realisation of greater product  structural complexity, enabling the development of polypills  for polypharmacy. In addition, 3DP offers the possibility of  accelerating production times, with a significant reduction in  costs due to less material waste and the possibility of  bypassing certain production steps [2]. According to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the  printing techniques used to date can be classified into seven  different categories. Of these, material extrusion (ME) is the  most frequently used in the pharmaceutical sector, in  particular, to produce customised medicines. 3D ME includes Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Direct  Powder Extrusion (DPE) techniques [3]. DPE represents one  of the most innovative 3DP techniques with the most  promising applicability in the pharmaceutical field. It enables the production of finished solid pharmaceutical  forms in a single step, directly from mixtures of excipients  and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Thus, DPE represents  an evolution of the more widely used FDM, which requires  the use of thermoplastic filaments as raw material. The elimination of the filament production step, which is carried  out by Hot Melt Extrusion (HME), extends the choice of  active ingredients and excipients, reducing their risk of  degradation due to less exposure to thermal stress. Thus,  DPE offers clear advantages over the multistep FDM  technique, facilitating the production of customised  pharmaceutical forms in a single extrusion step [4]. The 3DForMe® printer, based on DPE, was developed with the  aim of improving the preparation processes of solid  pharmaceutical forms realized by 3DP. DPE printing technique has been effectively employed in scientific research to develop new solid pharmaceutical formulations presenting improved physical-chemical characteristics that are presented in this presentation in four different case studies on drugs belonging to classes II and IV according to the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) [6-7]. 


1. Cui M., et al. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2488-2504 (2021).

2. Aguilar-de-Leyva Á., et al. Pharmaceutics. 12(7):620  (2020). 

3. Goyanes A., et al. Int J Pharm. 567:118471 (2019). 

4. Annaji M., et al. J Pharm Sci. 109(12):3551-3568 (2020).

5. Pistone M., et al. Drug Delivery and Translational Research 1895 – 1910 (2022). 

6. Pistone M., et al. Int. J. of Pharm. 632 (2023).

7. Racaniello G.F., et al. Int. J. of Pharm. 643 (2023).

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