San Tan's SciFest 2025!
Science Fair: San Tan District Science Fair Wednesday, January 29th of 2025
12:45 PM - Science Fair Students Arrive
1:00 PM - Science Fair Judging Begins
2:00 PM - Fair is open to the public
3:00 PM - Fair clean up
San Tan District Science Fair will be at the Power Campus in the gym.
Arizona State Science Fair - March 27th & 28th
International Science Fair - May 10-16, 2025, Columbus, Ohio
STEM Festival: Friday, January 31st of 2025
STEM competitions will be held at school.
8:30 AM - Junior High STEM Festival
10:00AM - High School STEM Festival
2:00 PM - Elementary STEM Festival
Awards: District Science Fair & STEM Festival awards will be handed out a the STEM festival.
Science Fair Volunteers are Needed!
Parents, sign up here:
Email Mrs. Tischer

Science Fair Research & Directions

STEM Festival Research & Directions
Science Fair Rubrics:
Science Fair Display Board (Due 1/16)
Be sure to review the complete rules linked above.
Maximum Size of Project
Depth (front to back): 30 inches
Width (side to side): 48 inches
Height (floor to top): 108 inches
All graphics and graphs require a citation. Try to create your graphics and graphs yourself!
High School - Professional Boards are highly recommended for those interested in attending the Arizona State Science Fair.
See Mrs. Tischer for details. : -)
EL & JH - Standard board is perfect! Have fun and be creative!
*STEM Challenges do not need a display board.
STEM Festival Rubrics:
STEM Festival Choices & Rules
A Very Sticky Bridge
A candy bridge that holds the most weight in the center.
It must hold at least 250g.
5 cm minimum length and 60 cm maximum length.
Only edible ingredients are allowed. No nuts allowed! Ingredient lists must be shown for any homemade candy used.
Bring your own weights.
The Dumpty Drop
Egg drop in a protective device.
6”x6” maximum dimensions.
No plastics, glass, or peanut butter.
Eggs will be provided at the event. Make sure you design a way to add the egg at the event.
No predesigned kits!
The Soda Pop Space Craft
A missile that travels the farthest horizontal distance.
Only baking soda and vinegar can be used for propellant.
No predesigned kits!
The Tricky Trebuchet
Build a trebuchet that launches a 50g mass at least 7 meters and hits a target.
The closest to the target wins.
No predesigned kits!