11th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing

ScienceCloud 2021




11th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing

*** ScienceCloud 2021 ***

Held in conjunction with ACM HPDC 2021.




The 11th workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud) will provide the scientific community a dedicated forum for discussing new research, development, and deployment efforts in running scientific computing workloads in such a complex ecosystem that results from the convergence of cloud, big data and machine learning. The focus is on the use of cloud-based technologies to meet new convergence challenges that are not well served by the current supercomputers and dedicated data centers. The workshop aims to address questions such as: What architectural changes to the current cloud frameworks (hardware, operating systems, networking and/or programming models) are needed to support the triple convergence? Dynamic information derived from remote instruments, coupled simulations, and sensor ensembles that stream data for real-time analysis and machine learning are important emerging trends. How can cloud technologies enable and adapt to these patterns? How are scientists using clouds? Are there scientific workloads that are suitable candidates to take advantage of emerging cloud computing resources with high efficiency? What factors are limiting the use of clouds or would make them more usable and efficient"? This workshop encourages interaction and cross-pollination between those developing applications, algorithms, software, hardware and networking, emphasizing scientific computing for cloud platforms. The workshop will be an excellent place to help the community define the current state, determine future goals, and discuss promising technologies and techniques.

The ScienceCloud workshop solicits high-quality 8-page and 4-page publications describing original research in the following areas.



- Scientific application cases studies on cloud infrastructures

- Performance evaluation of cloud environments and technologies

- Fault tolerance and reliability in cloud systems

- Data-intensive workloads and tools in clouds

- Use of programming models (e.g. Spark, Map-Reduce) and their implementations in cloud settings

- Scalable and elastic architectures for cloud storage and I/O

- Workflow and resource management in the cloud

- Use of cloud technologies (e.g., NoSQL databases) for scientific applications

- Data streaming and dynamic applications in the cloud

- Heterogeneous resources (network, storage, compute) and edge/fog infrastructure

- Application of cloud concepts in HPC environments or vice versa

- Virtualized high performance I/O network interconnects

- Virtualization, containers, and dynamic provisioning

- Analysis of management complexity, cost, variability, and reproducibility of cloud and IoT environments

- Stream processing for scientific applications in the cloud

- Edge, Fog and hybrid Cloud - Edge / Fog computing

- High-performance AI and deep learning frameworks (e.g. Tensorflow) and their implementation in cloud settings

- Scalability and cost-effective elasticity of AI and deep learning (e.g. data-parallel training) for cloud infrastructures



Paper submission deadline: April 14, 2021

Author notifications: April 20, 2021

Camera ready papers: April 28, 2021

Workshop date: June 21, 2021

Authors are invited to submit papers describing unpublished, original research. All submitted manuscripts should be formatted using the ACM Master Template with sigconf format (please be sure to use the current version). All necessary documentation can be found at: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. The maximum lengths are 8 and 4 pages (including all text, figures, and references). All papers must be in English. We use single-blind reviewing process, so please keep the authors names, publications, etc., in the text. Papers will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as part of the ACM Digital Library.

Papers conforming to these guidelines should be submitted through EasyChair:




Alexandru Costan, IRISA / INSA Rennes, France (alexandru.costan@irisa.fr)

Bogdan Nicolae, Argonne National Laboratory, USA (bogdan.nicolae@acm.org)

Kento Sato, RIKEN Center, Japan (kento.sato@riken.jp)

To contact the chairs, you can email any of the addresses listed above