A Long Walk to Water

If you are assigned reading, and you forgot your book. Use the school's ebookshelf (linked below) to read the chapter.


You will log-in using your classlink information, which is typically the first three letters of your first and your last name as your username and "spass" as your password. For example:

Jane Doe

username: jandoe

password: spass


In the folder below you will find a copy of the notes and worksheets we will be using throughout the unit. If you are absent or have misplaced your notes, find and print another copy from here.


In the folder below you will find a copy of the Powerpoints we will be using to teach and review skills throughout the unit. If you are absent or having a difficult time understanding a homework assignment, refer to these Powerpoints to help you.


In the folder below you will find a copy of some of the supplementary articles we will be reading to inform our understanding of A Long Walk to Water. In the event that you are absent or lose your copy, please find the article below.