Journal Publications

Industrial and Corporate Change, forthcoming

Korean Economic Review, Volume 39, Number 1, Winter 2023, pp. 103~135.

Applied Economics, Volume 54, Issue 10, January 2022, pp. 1111~1122. [See also VoxChina]

The World Economy, Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2020, pp. 2219~2221.

KDI Journal of Economic Policy, Volume 38, No. 4, November 2016, pp. 45~76.

European Economic Review, Volume 85, June 2016, pp. 22~38. 

Journal of Development Economics, Volume 108, May 2014, pp. 222~236.

Working Papers

Works in Progress

Policy Studies

Ch.6 in Shifting Paradigms: Growth, Finance, Jobs, and Inequality in the Digital Economy, edited by Zia Qureshi and Cheonsik Woo, Brookings Institution Press, 2022 

KDI Focus, No. 97, November 2019, Korea Development Institute

Policy Study Series 2019-16, Korea Development Institute (in Korean)

KDI Focus, No. 72, September 2016, Korea Development Institute

Ch.4 in Openness and Economic Development, Research Monograph 2016-02, edited by Sunghoon Chung, Korea Development Institute (in Korean)

Policy Study Series 2014-15, Korea Development Institute (in Korean)