
President: Daniel

I'm Daniel Anyanwoke, I have been apart of STEM club throughout these past four years. As club president, I'm eager to introduce new and exciting activities and opportunities. Beyond STEM, I enjoy videos games, sports, and movies. My goal is to create a lasting impact on the STEM Club. I cant wait to see what we will do this year! 

Vice President: MaCayla

Hi, I’m the STEM Club Vice President, MaCayla Wakefield. I am so excited for this new year of STEM Club and to be apart of it. As vice president, I plan to adhere to the mission of this club, which is to assemble those interested in STEM and grant them a platform to inquire, learn, and develop in this field. 

Community Outreach Rep: Ashley V.

Social Media Rep: London

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Advisor: Dr. Jones

STEM Club was created by a group of students wanting more STEM opportunities at South Cobb. We have participated in numerous programs, won awards, and continue to value to the voice of our members to create the content of STEM Club. I hope you come and have some STEM fun with us!