

Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Rumiana Stoilova is Professor and Director of the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at BAS. Her research interests and expertise are focused on the international comparative research on transitions from education to work in Europe; integration of youth into the labour market; impact of education and gender on stratification; social trust and mechanisms for obtainment of equal access to educational opportunities; impact on welfare state on groups in risk of poverty and exclusion. Rumiana Stoilova is a principal investigator of the BSRP School-to-Work project in partnership with Christian Imdorf from the University of Basel.

Pepka Boyadjieva is Professor at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at BAS. Her research interests are in the field of education with emphasis on higher education, lifelong learning and school to work transition. Professor Boyadjieva teaches courses of Sociology of education at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and New Bulgarian University. She is Honorary professor of Sociology of education at the University of Nottingham and member of the Editorial Board of the ISA’s SSIS series Sage Studies in International Sociology Books and of International Journal of Lifelong Education. Pepka Boyadjieva is an expert to the EU Commission and one of the Bulgarian leading researchers in the BSRP School-to-Work project.

Petya Ilieva-Trichkova is Assistant at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her research interests are in the area of higher education, graduate employability and social justice. In the period between 2010 and 2013 she was a Marie Curie fellow in the FP7 project EduWel Education as Welfare. Her host institution was Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan where she is a PhD student in Philosophy. Petya Ilieva-Trichkova is a member of the research team of the BSRP School-to-Work project.

Lachezar Marius Nyagolov is Sociologist at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His research interests are in the area of education, new types of employment and labor market entry of graduates. He is PHD student at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge and a member of the research team of the BSRP School-to-Work project.

Dr. Elitsa Dimitrova is a researcher working in the field of Population Studies and the Sociology of the Family. She has an extensive training in social science research methodology (qualitative and quantitative methods) and in formal demography from the Max Plank Institute for Demographic Research, Germany and from the University of Michigan, USA. Elitsa Dimitrova participated in several international projects related to the recent family and fertility changes in European countries and in public evaluation of family policy effectiveness.


Department of Social Sciences, Social Research and Methodology Group, University of Basel

Christian Imdorf is a full professor in the sociology of education at the Leibniz University Hannover. His research projects focus on education systems and gendered school-to-work transitions, on new organisational and institutional forms of vocational training, on social inequality in higher education, and on labour market integration of disadvantaged young workers. He was a member of the TREE (Transitions from Education to Employment) panel survey management team and a coordinator of the Sociology of Education Research Network of the Swiss Sociological Association. He is the Swiss primary investigator of the BSRP School-to-Work project.

Franziska Bieri received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Emory University in Atlanta, USA. She is a faculty member at Indiana Tech's Global Leadership Doctoral Program and also teaches at the University of Maryland University College. Her areas of research include civil society & global governance and comparative labor markets. Dr. Bieri is the author of 'From Blood Diamonds to the Kimberley Process: How NGOs Cleaned Up the Global Diamond Industry'. Over the last decade, Franziska Bieri has taught Sociology courses at Emory University, Morehouse College, the University of North Georgia, and the University of Maryland University College. She is one of the Swiss researchers in the BSRP School-To-Work Project.