
My name is Jeff DeRosa and I am a special education teacher at Morse High School. Before this, I actively pursued world's most extreme winter conditions. I found them while observing and forecasting weather at the South Pole (Personal Coldest Temp: minus 108°F, minus 145°F with wind chill) and at the Mount Washington Observatory (Personal Peak Wind 145 MPH). Although proud of these personal weather extremes, little excites me more than skiing the beaches of Maine during a good old fashioned nor'easter. Let it snow!

Although I wisely chose to leave the professional weather circuit (I love teaching), I'm still active with weather forecasting (it's in my blood). I thus developed this site so other weather lovers (my teaching colleagues) can experience the excitement of weather forecasting without spending all the time I do looking at weather models. The focus of this forecasting will be geared toward school activities.

Feel free to contact me at jeffrey.derosa@gmail.com