If you wish to have your own school map (school yard, school park, nearby forest, urban area) made by us, fill the form and we will get in contact with you with all the necessary information. Please, read the MAPPING guidelines before filling the form; you might try to survey the school area by yourself first.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance!


Would corridor or map pieces be perfect for your school orienteering lesson?

If you are interested in some activity/exercise and want us to plan it for you, please fill out the form below with all the necessary information!

We plan the activity/exercise for your school map and send it to you by email!

All what you have to do is take orienteering flags/ marks to the controls and implement the exercise with the students. Please make sure that the map on which the exercise is planned is updated, so that the exercise will have good quality and be workable. You can also order a new updated school map from us!


Do you want an orienteering week, day or just a few orienteering lessons for your school?

Order orienteering lessons from us for your school!

Let's create a package that is just right for you!